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Attenuation matrix in robust, free adjustment

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Bilateral Geodetic Meeting Poland-Italy (8th; 22-24.06.2006; Wrocław, Poland)
Języki publikacji
Equivalent weight matrix Px plays a major role in robust, free adjustment. It is contained in the optimization criterion P(dx) = dtxPxdx where dx is an increment vector to approximate coordinates of all network points. Assuming, that Px = px T(dx ), where Px is a priori weight matrix, the paper presents the way how to calculate an attenuation matrix T(dx)( dx is a standardized increment vector). Special attention is paid to the way of increment standardization and to computation of an increment variance matrix.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., tab., wykr.
  • Institute of Geodesy UWM Olsztyn Poland
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