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Long-period Earth gravity changes at main tectonic units of Poland`s territory

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Geodetic and Geodynamic Programmes of the CEI (10; EGS Symposium; 21-26.04.2002; Nice, France)
Języki publikacji
In the period 1996-2001, 41 absolute earth gravity determinations at Jozefoslaw station 6 such determinations at Lamkowko and 6 at Borowiec stations were performed. The analysis of results indicates at the station Jozefoslaw periodic changes of acceleration having one year period and 13.4+-3.0 (lambda)Gal amplitude. At the station Lamkowko and Borowiec such changes were not observed. The analysis of water relations and the results of measurements and calculations using other technologies allow us to formulate hypothesis that observed changes of gravity in Jozefoslaw are an indirect effect of atmospheric variations, namely of the magma displacements in anomalous T-T zone under the influence of atmospheric loading changes of the Earth`s crust.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., schem., tab.
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1.G. Cerutti, L.Cannizzo, A. Sakuma, J. Hostache: "A Transportable Apparatus for Absolute Gravity Measurements". VDI-Berichte No. 212, 1994
  • 2. P. Carré: "Mesure de l'acceleration due á la pesanteur par la methode des stations multiples". Rapport BIPM 91/1
  • 3. I.A.G. Recommendation No. 11, 1971
  • 4. I.A.G. Resolution No. 9, 1983
  • 5. T. Chojnicki: "New Tidal Stations in Poland". 131h International Symposium on Earth Tides, Brussels 1977
  • 6. J. Rogowski, J. Bogusz, T. Chojnicki: "Programme of the Scientific Researches on the Earth's Crust Deformation Realised in Astro-Geodetic Observatory in Józefosław”, REPORTS ON GEODESY No. 3(26) 1997. Warsaw University of Technology
  • 7. L. Robertson et al.: "Results from the Fifth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters". ICAG'97 Metrologia; preprint 1999
  • 8. J. Bogusz, M. Figurski, M. Kruczyk, L. Kujawa, W. Kurka, M. Pfeil, J. Rogowski: "Contribution of Astro-Geodetic Observatory in Józefosław to the CEI lnternational Projects". REPORTS ON GEODESY No. 6(52) 2000. Warsaw University of Technology
  • 9. M. Figurski, M. Pfeil: "Determination of Velocity Vectors from CERGOP/Extended SAGET Observation Campaigns". REPORTS ON GEODESY No. 6(52) 2000. Warsaw University of Technology
  • 10. Z. Ząbek: "The Ballistic Gravimeter of the Institute of Geodesy and Geodetical Astronomy". II Conference of Section C-Geodesy of Central European Initiative. May 1993, Książ Castle, Poland
  • 11. Z. Ząbek: "The Ballistic Gravimeter of the Institute of Geodesy and Geodetical Astronomy". REPORTS ON GEODESY No. 1(9) 1994. Warsaw University of Technology
  • 12. Z. Ząbek: "The Transportable Ballistic Gravimeter ZZG”. REPORTS ON GEODESY No. 3(21) 1996. Warsaw University of Technology.
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