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Multi-Veblen configurations which can be embedded into Desarguesian projective spaces were characterized in [8]: besides the class of combinatorial Grassmannians, only one further class of multi-Veblen configurations shares this property, namely the class of combinatorial quasi Grassmannians introduced in [8]. In this note we discuss relationships between combinatorial Grassmannians and combinatorial quasi Grassmannians, characterize automorphisms of combinatorial quasi Grassmannians, and present some visualizations of them.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 13 poz.
- Institute of Mathematics University of Białystok ul. Akademicka 2 15-267 Białystok, Poland, malgpraz@math.uwb.edu.pl
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- [8] M. Prażmowska, Twisted projective spaces and linear completions of some partial Steiner triple systems, Beitrage Algebra Geom., to appear.
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