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O kryteriach oceny elementów skończonych. Od belki Timoshenki do płyty o średniej grubości

Warianty tytułu
On the criteria for evaluation of finite elements. From Timoshenko beam to Hencky-Boole plate
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy jest zaproponowanie i weryfikacja względnie prostych kryteriów oceny poprawności sformułowania elementów skończonych - kryteriów niesprzecznych z kryteriami matematycznymi. W pracy zaproponowano cztery kryteria oceny poprawności modelu MES: - analizę spektralną macierzy sztywności elementu, - analizę spektralną macierzy mas elementu, - analizę spektralną macierzy sztywności geometrycznej elementu, - kryterium energetyczne. Kryteria te opisano teoretycznie i zastosowano do analizy wybranych elementów skończonych. Przykłady zostały dobrane tak, aby pokazać możliwość zastosowania wszystkich czterech kryteriów w różnych zadaniach -analizie elementów o różnej liczbie węzłów, różnej geometrii i różnych funkcjach kształtu. Uzyskane wyniki należy uznać za bardzo obiecujące - pozwalają one przeanalizować poprawność dowolnego elementu skończonego w zadaniach statyki, drgań i stateczności początkowej. Analiza spektralna macierzy sztywności elementu pozwala określić, czy element spełnia matematyczny warunek eliptyczności. Energii odkształcenia, której jądrem jest macierz sztywności, nadano interpretację fizyczną w postaci hiper-elipsy energii. Wprowadzono dwa dodatkowe parametry - objętość hiper-elipsy i wskaźnik uwarunkowania macierzy - które uzupełniają warunek eliptyczności o informacje jakościowe o numerycznych własnościach elementu. Analiza spektralna macierzy mas pozwala określić czy element w poprawny sposób odwzorowuje energię kinetyczną dźwigara. Kryterium to jest odpowiednikiem warunku eliptyczności przeniesionym na zadania drgań. Podobnie jak poprzednio objętość hiper-elipsy energii kinetycznej i wskaźnik uwarunkowania pozwalają uzyskać dodatkowe informacje o własnościach numerycznych elementu. Analiza spektralna macierzy sztywności geometrycznej pozwala określić poprawność odwzorowania dodatkowej energii odkształcenia związanej z działaniem dużych sił osiowych. Energetyczne kryterium oceny poprawności sformułowania MES odpowiada matematycznemu warunkowi zgodności elementu, rozszerzonemu na zagadnienia drgań i stateczności początkowej. Kryterium pozwala określić, czy element skończony przy malejących wymiarach odwzorowuje w poprawny sposób gęstość energii sprężystej, energii kinetycznej, dodatkowej energii sprężystej (związanej z działaniem dużych sił osiowych) i pracę sił zewnętrznych. Kryterium energetyczne pozwala określić, czy element jest zbieżny do wyniku dokładnego, rozumianego w sensie energetycznym, oraz dodatkowo ocenić rząd zbieżności elementu. Proponowane kryteria oceny dotyczą w zasadzie modelu przemieszczeniowego MES, w pracy pokazano jednak jak można je uogólnić na modele mieszane. Pracę uzupełnia obszerny przegląd literatury dotyczącej budowy i oceny elementów skończonych belek i płyt o średniej grubości.
The objective of this paper is to propose and to verify relatively simple criteria for evaluation of correctness of the finite element formulations. The criteria should be in agreement with mathematical theorems. Four criteria are proposed for evaluation the finite elements: - spectral analysis of the element stiffness matrix, - spectral analysis of the element mass matrix, - spectral analysis of the element geometric stiffness matrix, - energy criterion. The criteria are described theoretically and implemented for the analysis of selected finite elements. The examples are completed to show the possibility of implementation of the proposed criteria for various situations - the elements with different number of nodes and degrees of freedom, the elements of various geometry, the element with various shape functions, etc. The results are very promising - it is possible to evaluate the correctness of the formulation for any kind of finite element for static, vibration and initial stability problems. Spectral analysis of the element stiffness matrix gives the information if the element satisfy the mathematical condition of ellipticity. The strain energy of the element is described as a hiper-ellipsoid in multi dimensional space od degrees of freedom. Additional parameters - volume of hiper-ellipsoid and matrix condition ratio - gives the additional information on numerical sensitivity of the element. Spectral analysis of the element mass matrix can help to evaluate if the element describes the kinetic energy correctly. This criterion is equivalent to the ellipticity condition for vibration analysis. Volume of hiper-ellipsoid and mass matrix condition ratio are also discussed. Spectral analysis of the element geometric stiffness matrix is to define if the finite element describes correctely the additional strain energy combined with the in-plane forces. Energy criterion of the correctness of the FEM formulation is equivalent to the mathematical condition of consistency, extended from the static analysis to vibrations and initial stability. This criterion can help to evaluate if the densities of strain energy, kinetic energy, geometric strain energy and external load work of the finite element are described properly with the use of certain shape functions, methods of integration, etc. The convergence of the formulation to the correct value of energy can be evaluated, as well as the rate of convergence can be estimated. The proposed set of criterion is extended for the mixed formulation of the FEM. Some examples are given. The paper is completed with the wide analysis of the literature dedicated for the finite element formulation and evaluation in the field of Timoshenko beams and Hencky-Boole plates.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 619 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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  • [127] Lee S.W., Wong S.C., Mixed formulation finite elements for Mindlin theory plate bending. IJNME, 18, 9, 1982, str. 1297-1311
  • [128] Luo J.W., A hybrid/mixed model finite element analysis for buckling of moderately thick plates. CS, 15, 4, 1982, str. 359-364
  • [129] Kant T., Owen D.R.J., Zienkiewicz O.C., A refined higher-order C-0 plate bending element. CS, 15, 2, 1982, str. 177-183
  • [130] MacNeal R.H., Derivation of element stiffness matrices by assumed strain distribution. Nuc. Eng. Design, 70, 1982, str. 3-12
  • [131] Prathap G., Bhashyam G.R., Reduced integration and the shear-flexible beam element. IJNME, 18, 1982, str. 195-210
  • [132] Reddy J.N., Large amplitude flexural vibrations of layered composite plates with cutouts. J. Sound and Vibration, 83, 1, 1982, str. 1-10
  • [133] Reddy J.N., On the solutions to forced motions of rectangular composite plates. J. Appl. Mech., 49, 2, 1982, str. 403-408
  • [134] Reddy J.N., Chao W.C., Nonlinear oscillations of laminated, anisotropic, rectangular plates. J. Appl. Mech., 49, 2, 1982, str. 396-402
  • [135] Rhee H.C., Atluri S.N, Hybrid stress finite element analysis of bending of a plate with a through flaw. IJNME, 18, 1982, str. 259-271
  • [136] Speare P.R.S., Numerical methods and refined plate theories. CS, 15, 4, 1982, str. 351-358
  • [137] Spilker R.L., Hybrid-stress eight-node elements for thin and thick multiplayer laminated plates. IJNME, 18, 6, 1982, str. 801-818
  • [138] Spilker R.L., Invariant 8-node hybrid-stress elements for thin and moderately thick plates. IJNME, 18, 8, 1982, str. 1153-1178
  • [139] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Membrane locking and reduced integration for curved elements. J. Appl. Mech, Trans. ASME, 49, 1982, str. 172-176
  • [140] Tessler A., An improved treatment of transverse shear in the Mindlin-type four-node quadrilateral element. CMAME, 39, 1982, str. 311-335
  • [141] Tong P., A family of hybrid plate elements. IJNME, 18, 1982, str. 1455-1468
  • [142] Wu C.C., Some problems of a plate bending hybrid model with shear effect. IJNME, 18, 5, 1982, str. 755-764
  • [143] Bathe K.J., Dvorkin E., Our discrete Kirchhof and isoparametric shell element for nonlinear analysis. An assessment. CS, 4, 1983, str. 89-98
  • [144] Belytschko T., Tsay C.A., A stabilization procedure for the quadrilateral plate element with one-point quadrature. IJNME, 19, 1983, str. 405-419
  • [145] Epstein M., Huttelmaier H.P., A finite element formulation for multilayered and thick plates. CS, 16, 5, 1983, str. 645-650
  • [146] Garnet H., Pifko A.B., An efficient triangular plate bending finite element for crash simulation. CS, 16, 1-4, 1983, str. 171-179
  • [147] Lengyel P., Cusens A.R., A finite strip method for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of plate structures. IJNME, 19, 3, 1983, str. 331-341
  • [148] Liu W.K., Law E.S., Lam D., Belytschko T., Resultant-stress degenerated-shell elements. IJNME, 19, 1983, str. 405-419
  • [149] Mukhopadhay M., Analysis of plates using isoparametric quadratic element-shear, reaction, patch loading and some convergence studies. CS, 17, 4, 1983, str. 587-597
  • [150] Onate E., Suarez B., A comparison of the linear, quadratic and cubic Mindlin strip elements for the analysis of thick and thin plates. CS, 17, 3, 1983, str. 427-439
  • [151] Onu G., Shear effect in beam stiffness matrix. J. Struct. Eng., 109, 1983, str. 2216-2221
  • [152] Pian T.H.H., Chen D., On the suppression of zero energy deformation modes. IJNME, 19, 1983,str. 1741-1752
  • [153] Prathap G., Viswanath S., An optimally integrated four-node quadrilateral plate bending element. IJNME, 19, 1983, str. 831-840
  • [154] Reddy J.N., Dynamic (transient) analysis of layered anisotropic composite-material plates. IJNME, 19, 1983, str. 237-255
  • [155] Spilker R.L., Hybrid-stress reduced Mindlin isoparametric elements for the analysis of thin plates. J. Struct. Mechanics, 11, 1, 1983, str. 49-66
  • [156] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Bending and shear mode decomposition in C-0 structural elements. J. Struct. Mech., 11, 1983, str. 153-176
  • [157] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Shear and membrane locking in curved C-0 elements. CMAME, 41, 1983, str. 279-296
  • [158] Tessler A., Dong S., On a hierarchy of conforming Timoshenko beam elements. CS, 17, 1983, str. 311-335
  • [159] Weinstein F., Putter S., Stavsky Y., Thermoelastic stress analysis of anisotropic composite sandwich plates by finite element method. CS, 17, 1, 1983, str. 31-36
  • [160] Viswamith S., Prathap G., A note on locking in a shear flexible triangular plate bending element. IJNME, 19, 1983, str. 305-309
  • [161] Bathe K.J., Brezzi F., On the convergence of a four-node plate bending element based on Mindlin/Reissner plate theory and a mixed interpolation. Proc. Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications V, Brunnel University, May 1984, str. 239-251
  • [162] Belytschko T., Ong J.S.J., A consistent control of spurious singular modes in the 9-node Lagrange element for the Laplace and Mi ndlin plate equation. CMAME, 44, 3, 1984, str. 269-295
  • [163] Belytschko T., Stolarski H., Carpenter N., A C-0 triangular plate element with one-point quadrature. IJNME, 20, 5, 1984, str. 787-802
  • [164] Crisfield M.A., A quadratic Mindlin element using shear constraints. CS, 18, 5, 1984, str. 833-852
  • [165] Dvorkin E.N., Bathe K.J., A continuum mechanics based four-node shell element for general nonlinear analysis, Eng. Comput., 1, 1984, str. 77-88
  • [166] Heafner L., Willam K.J., Large deflections of a simple beam element including shear deformations. Eng. Comput., 1, 1984, str. 359-368
  • [167] Hrabok M.M., Hrudley T.M., A review and catalogue of plate bending finite elements. element with consistent rank corrections. CS, 19, 3, 1984, str. 479-495
  • [168] Huang H.C., Hinton E., A nine node Lagrangean Mindlin plate element with enhanced shear interpolation. Eng. Comput., 1, 1984, str. 369-379
  • [169] Lakshminarayana H. V., Sridhara Murthy S. , A shear -flexible triangular finite element model for laminated composite plates. IJNME, 20, 4, 1984, str. 591-623
  • [170] Morley L.S.D., A curvilinear triangular finite element for plate bending by a hybrid method of assumed displacements supplemented with assumed stresses. CS, 18 2, 1984, str. 311-318
  • [171] Morley L.S.D., An assumed stress hybrid curvilinear triangular finite element for plate bending. IJNME, 20, 3, 1984, str. 529-548
  • [172] Morley L.S.D., Hellinger-Reissner principles for plate and shell finite elements. IJNME, 20, 4, 1 984, 773-779
  • [173] Oliver J., Onate E., A total Lagrangian formulation for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of structures using finite elements. Part I: Two-dimensional problems: Shell and plate structures. IJNME, 20, 1984, str. 2253-2281
  • [174] Onu G., Inclusion of shear effect in the ACM element. CS, 18, 3, 1984, str. 459-464
  • [175] Pian T.H.H., Shmihara K., Hybrid semi-loof elements for plates and shells based upon a modified Hu-Washizu principle. CS, 19, 1984, str. 165-173
  • [176] Prathap G., An optimally constrained 4 node quadrilateral thin plate bending element. CS, 18, 5, 1984, str. 789-794
  • [177] Putcha N.S., Reddy J.N., A mixed shear flexible finite element for the analysis of laminated plates. CMAME, 44, 2, 1984, str. 213-227
  • [178] Spilker R.L., An invariant eight-node hybrid-stress element for thin and thick multiplayer laminated plates. IJNME, 20, 3, 1984, str. 573-587
  • [179] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Carpenter N., A simple triangular plate bending element. CS, 19, 1984, str. 496-512
  • [180] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Carpenter N., Kennedy J.M., A simple triangular curved shell element. Eng. Computat., 1, 1984, str. 210-218
  • [181] Bathe K.J., Dvorkin E.N., A four-node plate bending element based on Mindlin/Reissner plate theory and a mixed interpolation. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 367-383
  • [182] Belytschko T., Lin J.I., Eigenvalues and stable time steps for the bilinear Mindlin plate element. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 1729-1745
  • [183] Belytschko T., Liu W.K. , Ong J.S.J., Lam D., Implementation and application of a 9-node Lagrange shell element with spurious mode control. CS, 20, 1985, str. 121-128
  • [184] Belytschko T., Stolarski H., Liu W.K., Carpenter N., Ong J.S.J:, Stress projection for membrane locking in shell finite elements. CMAME, 51, 1985, str. 221-258
  • [185] Carpenter N., Stolarski H., Belytschko T., A flat triangular shel element with improved membrane interpolation. Commun. Appl. Num. Math., 1, 1985, str. 161-168
  • [186] Crisfield M.A., Shear-constraints and folded-plated structures. Eng. Comput., 2, 1985, str. 238-246
  • [187] Fricker A.J., An improved three node triangular element for plate bending. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 105-114
  • [188] Jeyachandrabose C., Kirkhope J., Rames Babu C., An alternative explicit formulation for the DKT plate -bending element. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 1289-1293
  • [189] Liu W.K., Belytschko T., Ong S.J., Law S.E., Use of stabilization matrices in non-linear analysis. Eng. Comput., 2, 1, 1985, str. 47-55
  • [190] Liu W.K., Ong J.S.J., Uras R.A., Finite element stabilization matrices - a unification approach. CMAME, 53, 1985, str. 13-46
  • [191] Park K.C., Stanley G.M. , Flaggs D.L., A uniformly reduced, four-noded C-0 shell element with consistent rank corrections. CS, 20, 1985, str. 129-139
  • [192] Phan N.D., Reddy J.N., Analysis of laminated composite plates using higher-order shear deformation theory. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 2201-2219
  • [193] Prathap G., The curved beam/deep arch/finite ring element revised. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 389-407
  • [194] Stolarski H., Carpenter N., Belytschko T., A Kirchhoff-mode method for C-0 bilinear and serendipity plate elements. CMAME, 50, 2, 1985, str. 121-145
  • [195] Prathap G., An additional stiffness parameter measure of error of the second kind in the finite element method. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 1001-1012
  • [196] Prathap G., A simple plate/shell triangle. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 1149-1156
  • [197] Schulz J.C., Finite element hourglassing control. IJNME, 21, 1985, str. 1039-1048
  • [198] Tessler A., Prior identification of shear locking and stiffening in triangular Mindlin elements. CMAME, 53, 1985, str. 183-200
  • [199] Tessler A., Hughes T.J. R., A three-node Mindlin plate element with improved transverse shear. CMAME, 50, 2, 1985, str. 71-101
  • [200] Bathe K.J., Dvorkin E., A formulation of general shell elements - The use of mixed interpolation of tensorial components. IJNME, 22, 1986, str. 697-722
  • [201] Belytschko T., Tsay C.S. , A stabilization procedure for the quadrilateral plate element with one-point quadrature. CMAME, 55, 1986, str. 259-300
  • [202] Carpenter N., Belytschko T., Stolarski H., Locking and shear scaling factors in C-0 bending elements. CS, 22, 1986, str. 39-52
  • [203] Chan H. C., Chung W.C., Higher order subparametric elements for large deflection analysis of plates. CS, 24, 1, 1986, str. 119-126
  • [204] Chieslar J.D., Ghali A., A hybrid strain technique for finite element analysis of plates and shells. CS, 24, 1986, str. 749-765
  • [205] Dhatt G., Marcotte L., Matte Y., A new triangular discrete Kirchhoff plate/shell element. IJNME, 23, 1986, str. 453-470
  • [206] Fried I., Johnson A., Tessler A., Minimal-degree thin triangular plate and shell bending finite elements of order two and four. CMAME, 56, 1986, str. 283-307
  • [207] Gallagher R .H., Murthy S., A triangular thin shell element based on Discrete Kirchhoff theory. CMAME, 54, 1986, str. 197-222
  • [208] Hinton E., Huang H. C., A family of quadrilateral Mindlin plate elements with substitute shear strain fields. CS, 23, 3, 1986, str. 409-431
  • [209] Hinton E,, Huang H. C., Shear forces and twisting moments in plates using Mindlin elements. Eng. Comput., 3, 1986, str. 129-142
  • [210] Huang H.C., Hinton E., A new nine node degenerated shell element with enhanced membrane and shear interpolation. IJNME, 22, 1986, str. 73-92
  • [211] Kant T., Kulkarni P.B., A C-0 continuous linear beam/bilinear plate flexural element. CS, 22, 3, 1986, str. 413-425
  • [212] Liu W.K., Law E.S., Lam D., Belytschko T., Resultant-stress degenerated-shell element. CMAME, 55, 1986, str. 259-300
  • [213] Meek J.L., Tan H.S., A faceted shell element with loof nodes. IJNME, 23, 1986, str. 49-67
  • [214] Meloueh K.A., On a formulation of a nonlinear theory of plates and shells with applications. CS, 24, 1986, str. 691-705
  • [215] Parish H., Efficient non-linear finite element shell formulation involving large strains. Eng. Computat., 3, 1986, str. 121-128
  • [216] Park K.C., Stanley G:M., A curved C-0 shell element based on assumed natural-coordinate strains. J. Appl. Mech., 53, 1986, str. 287-290
  • [217] Ramesh Babu C., Prathap G., A linear thick curved C-0 elements. IJNME, 23, 1986, str. 1313-1328
  • [218] Sciuva Di M., Evaluation of some multilayered, shear-deformable plate elements. CS, 24, 6, 1986, str. 845-854
  • [219] Spilker R.L., Engelman B. E., Hybrid-stress isoparametric elements for moderately thick and thin multiplayer plates. CMAME, 56, 3, 1986, str. 339-361
  • [220] Spilker R.L., Jakobs D.M., Hybrid stress reduced-Mindlin elements for thin multiplayer plates. IJNME, 23, 1986, str. 555-578
  • [221] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., On the equivalence of mode decomposition and mixed finite elements based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle. Part I: Theory. CMAME, 58, 1986, str. 249-263
  • [222] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., On the equivalence of mode decomposition and mixed finite elements based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle. Part II: Applications. CMAME, 58, 1986, str. 265-284
  • [223] Stolarski H., Carpenter N.J., An alternative formulation of the geometric stiffness matrix for plate elements. CS, 24, 6, 1986, str. 935-940
  • [224] Tessler A., Spiridigliozzi L., Curved beam elements with penalty relaxation. IJNME, 23, 1986, str. 2245-2262
  • [225] Brockman R.A., Dynamics of the bilinear Mindlin plate element. IJNME, 24, 1987, str. 2343-2356
  • [226] Chaudhuri R.A., A simple and efficient shear-flexible plate bending element. CS, 25, 6, 1987, str. 817-824
  • [227] Chaudhuri R.A., Seide P., An approximate semi-analytical method for prediction of interlaminar shear stresses in an arbitrary laminated thick plate. CS, 25, 1987, str. 627-634
  • [228] Chaudhuri R.A., Seide P., Triangular finite element for analysis of thick laminated plates. IJNME, 24, 1987, str. 1203-1224
  • [229] Donea J., Lemain L.G., A modified representation of transverse shear in C-0 quadrilateral plate elements. CMAME, 63, 1987, str. 183-207
  • [230] Gallagher R.H., Murthy S., Patch test verification of a triangular thin shell element element based on Discrete Kirchhoff theory. Comm. Appl. Num. Meth., 2, 1987, str. 83-88
  • [231] Hass D.J., Lee S. W., A nine-node assumed-strain finite elements for composite plates and shells. CS, 26, 1987, str. 445-452.
  • [232] Huang H. C., Implementation of assumed strain degenerated shell element. CS, 25, 1987, str. 147-155
  • [233] Huang H.C., Membrane locking and assumed strain shell elements. CS, 27, 1987, str. 671-677
  • [234] Jang J., Pinsky P.M., An assumed covariant strain based 9-node shell element. IJNME, 24, 1987, str. 2389-2411
  • [235] Koh B.C., Kikuchi N., New improved hourglass control for bilinear and trilinear elements in anisotropic linear elasticity, CMAME, 65, 1987, str. 1-46
  • [236] Kwon Y. W., Akin J.E., Analysis of layered composite plates using a high-order deformation theory. CS, 27, 5, 1987, str. 619-623
  • [237] Lasry D., Belytschko T., Transverse shear oscillations in four-node quadrilateral plate elements. CS, 27, 3, 1987, str. 393-398
  • [238] Liou W.J., Sun c:r., A three-dimesional hybrid stress isoparametric element for the analysis of laminated composite plates. CS, 25,2, 1987, str. 241-249
  • [239] Militello C., Cascales D.H., Covariant shear strains interpolation in a nine-node degenerated plate element. CS, 26, 5, 1987, str. 781-785
  • [240] Owen D.R.J., Li Z.H., A refined analysis of laminated plate by finite element displacement methods - I. Fundamentals and static analysis. CS, 26, 6, 1987, str. 907-914
  • [241] Prathap G., Ramesh Babu C., Accurate force evaluation with a simple, bi-linear, plate bending element. CS, 25, 2, 1987, str. 259-270
  • [242] Rothert H., Dehmel W., Nonlinear analysis of isotropic, orthotropic and laminated plates and shells. CMAME, 64, 1987, str. 429-446
  • [243] Saleeb A.F., Chang T.Y., An efficient quadrilateral element for plate bending analysis. IJNME, 24, 1987, str. 1123-1155
  • [244] Saleeb A.F., Chang T.Y., Graf W., A quadrilateral shell element using a mixed formulation. CS, 26, 1987, str. 787-803
  • [245] Saleeb A.F., Chang T. Y., On the hybrid-mixed formulation C-0 curved beam elements. CMAME, 60, 1987, str. 95-121
  • [246] Voyiadjis G.Z., Pecquet R.W., Isotropic plate elements with shear and normal strain deformations. IJNME, 24, 1987, str. 1671-1695
  • [247] Zienkiewicz O.C., Lefebvre D., Three field mixed approximation and the plate bending problem. Comm. Appl . Num. Meth., 3, 1987, str. 301-309
  • [248] Aalto J., From Kirchhoff to Mindlin plate element. Comm. Appl. Num. Meth., 4, 1988, str. 231-241
  • [249] Briassoulis D., Machine locking of degenerated thin shell element. IJNME, 26, 1988, str. 1749-1768
  • [250] Briassoulis D., Monomial test: testing the flexural behavior of the degenerated shell element. CS, 29, 1988, str. 949-958
  • [251] Briassoulis D., The zero energy modes problem of the nine-node Lagrangian degenerated shell element. CS, 30, 1988, str. 1389-1402
  • [252] Chaudhuri R.A., A degenerate triangular shell element with constant cross-sectional wrapping. CS, 28, 1988, str. 315-325
  • [253] Jang J., Pinsky P.M., Convergence of curved shell elements based on assumed covariant strain interpolation. IJNME, 26, 1988, str. 329-348
  • [254] Kamoulakos A., Understanding and improving the reduced integration of Mindlin shell elements. IJNME, 26, 1988, str. 2009-2029
  • [255] Kreja I., Cywiński Z., Is reduced integration just a numerical trick. CS, 29, 1988, str. 491-496 .
  • [256] Martins R.A.F., Oliveira C.A.M., Semi-loof shell, plate and beam elements – New Computer versions. Part 1. Elements formulation. Part 2. Elements programming. Eng. Comput. 5, 1988, str. 15-25, 5, 1988, str. 26-38
  • [257] Pandya B.N., Kant T., Flexural analysis of laminated composites using refined higher-order C-0 plate bending elements. CMAME, 66, 1988, str. 173-198
  • [258] Pitkaranta J., Analysis of some low-order finite elements for Mindlin-Reissner and Kirchhoff plates. Numer. Math., 53, 1988, str. 237-254
  • [259] Rhiu J.J., Lee S.W., A sixteen node shell element with a matrix stabilization scheme. CM, 3, 1988, str. 99-113
  • [260] Saleeb A.F., Chang T.Y., A mixed formulation ofC-0 linear triangular plate-shell element - the role of edge shear constraint. IJNME, 26, 1988, str. 1101-1128
  • [261] Specht A., Modified shape functions for the three node plate bending element passing the patch test. IJNME, 26, 1988, str. 705-713
  • [262] Yeom C.H., Scardena M.P., Lee S.W., Shell analysis with a combination of eight node and nine node finite element. CS, 28, 1988, str. 155-164
  • [263] Zienkiewicz O.C., Lefebvre D., A robust triangular plate bending element of the Reissner-Mindlin type. IJNME. 26, 1988, str. 1169-1184
  • [264] Al Janabi B.S., Hinton E., Yuksanovic D., Free vibrations of Mindlin plates using the element method: Part I. Square plates with various edge conditions. Eng. Comput., 6, 1989, str. 90-96
  • [265] Arnold D.N., Falk R.S., A uniformly accurate finite element method for the Reissner-Mindlin plates. SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 26, 1989, str. 1276-1290
  • [266] Brezzi F., Bathe K.J., Fortin M., Mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 1787-1801
  • [267] Batoz J.L., Lardeur P., A discrete shear triangular nine d.o.f. element for the analysis of thick to very thin plates. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 533-560
  • [268] Bemadou M., Trouve P., Approximation of general shell problem by flat plate elements. Part l . CM, 5, 1989, str. 175-208
  • [269] Briassoulis D., On the basics of the shear locking problem of C-0 isoparametric plate elements. CS, 33, 1, 1989, str. 169-185
  • [270] Briassoulis D., The C-0 shell plate and beam elements freed from their deficiencies. CMAME, 72, 1989, str. 243-266
  • [271] Belytschko T., Wong B.L., Assumed strain stabilization procedure for 9-node lagrange shell element. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 385-414
  • [272] Cheung Y.K., Wanji C., Hybrid quadrilateral element based on Mindlin/Reissner plate theory. CS, 32, 2, 1989, str.327-339
  • [273] Choi C.K., Kim S.H., Coupled use of reduced integration and non-conforming models in quadratic Mindlin plate element. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 1909-1928
  • [274] Chang T.Y., Saleeb A.F., Graf W., On the mixed formulation of a 9-node Lagrange shell element. CMAME. 73, 1989, str. 259-281
  • [275] Farard M., Dhatt G., Batoz J.L., A new discrete Kirchhoff plate/shell element with updated procedures. CS, 31, 1989, str. 591-606
  • [276] Hsiao K.M., Chen Y.R., Nonlinear analysis of shell structures by degenerated isoparametric shell element. CS, 31, 1989, str. 427-438
  • [277] Hsiao K.M., Hung H.C., Large-deflection analysis of shell structure by using corotational total Lagrangian formulation. CMAME, 73, 1989, str. 209-225
  • [278] Huang H.C., Elastic and elasto-plastic analysis of shell structures using the assumed strain elements. CS, 33, 2, 1989, str. 327-335
  • [279] Huang H.C., Membrane locking and assumed strain shell elements. CS, 27, 1989, str. 671-677
  • [280] Jing H.S., Liao M.L., Partial hybrid stress element for the analysis of thick laminated composite plates. IJNME. 28, 1989, str. 2813-2827
  • [281] Kant T., Mallikarjuna, A higher-order theory for free vibration of unsymmetrically laminated composite and sandwich plates - finite element evaluations. CS, 32, 5, 1989, str. 1125-1132
  • [282] Kant T., Mallikarjuna, Transient dynamics of composite sandwich plates using 4-, 8-, 9-noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements. FEAD, 6, 1989, str. 307-318
  • [283] Kapania R.K., Raciti S., Recent advances in analysis of laminated beams and plates. Part 1: shear effects and buckling. AIAA J., 27, 1989, str. 923-934
  • [284] Lardeur P., Batoz J.L., Composite plate analysis using a new discrete shear triangular finite element IJNME, 27, 1989, str. 343-359
  • [285] Liu S., A finite element analysis procedure using simple quadrilateral plate/shell elements. CS, 32, 1989, str. 937-944
  • [286] Mallikarjuna, Kant T., Finite element formulation of a higher-order response of laminated plates. Eng. Comput., 6, 1989, str. 198-208
  • [287] Marquis J.P., Wang T.M., Stiffness matrix of parabolic beam element. CS, 6, 1989, str. 863-876
  • [288] Nagarayana B.P., Prathap G., Displacement and stress predictions from field- and line consistent versions of the eight-node Mindlin plate element. CS, 33, 4, 1989, str. 1095-1106
  • [289] Nagarayana B.P., Prathap G., Force and moment corrections for the wrapped four-node quadrilateral plane shell element. CS, 33, 1989, str. 1107-1115
  • [290] Petrolito J., A modified ACM element for thick plate analysis. CS, 32, 6, 1989, str. 1303-1309
  • [291] Pinsky P.M., Jasti R.V., A mixed finite element formulation for Reissner-Mindlin plates based on the use of bubble functions. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 1677-1702
  • [292] Pinsky P.M., Jasti R.V., A mixed finite element for laminated composite plates based on the use of bubble functions. Eng. Comput., 6, 1989, str. 316-330
  • [293] Reddy J.N., On refined computational models of composite laminates. IJNME, 27, 1989, str. 361-382
  • [294] Reddy J.N., Barbero E.J., A plate bending element based on a generalized laminate plate theory. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 2275-2292
  • [295] Stolarski H.K., Chiang M. Y.M., Assumed strain formulation for triangular C-0 plate elements based on a weak form of the Kirchhoff constraints. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 2323-2338
  • [296] Stolarski H.K., Chiang M.Y.M., On a definition of assumed shear strains in formulation of C-0 plate elements. Eur. J. Mech., A/Solids, 8, 1, 1989, str. 53-72
  • [297] Stolarski H.K., Chiang M.Y.M., The mode-decomposition, C-0 formulation of curved, two-dimensional structural elements. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 145-154
  • [298] Simo J.C., Fox D.D., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part I: Formulation and optimal parametrization. CMAME, 72, 1989, str. 267-304
  • [299] Simo J.C, Fox D.D., Rifai M.S., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part II: The linear theory; computational aspects. CMAME, 73, 1989, str. 53-92
  • [300] Stander N., Matzenmiller A., Ramm E., An assumed strain methods in finite rotation shell analysis. Eng. Comput., 6, 1989, str. 58-66
  • [301] Vu-Quoc L., Mora J.A., A class of simple and efficient degenerated shell elements - analysis of global spurious-mode filtering. CMAME, 74, 1989, str. 117-175
  • [302] Wang X.J., Belytschko T., A study of stabilization and projection in the 4-node Mindlin plate element. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 2223-2238
  • [303] Yeom C.H., Lee S.W., An assumed strain finite element model for large deflection composite shells. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 1749-1768
  • [304] Yuan F.O., Miller R.E., A cubic triangular finite element for flat plates with shear. IJNME, 28, 1989, str. 109-126
  • [305] Averill R.C., Reddy J.N., Behavior of plate elements based on the first-order shear deformation theory. Eng. Comput., 7, 1990, str. 57-74
  • [306] Bathe K.J., Bucalem M.L., Brezzi F., Displacement and stress convergence of our MITC plate bending elements. Eng. Comput., 7, 1990, str. 291-302
  • [307] Bergman V.L., Mukherjee S.A., A hybrid strain finite element for plates and shells. IJNME, 30, 1990, str. 233-257
  • [308] Cheung Y.K., Chen W., Generalized hybrid degenerated elements for plates and shells. CS,36, 1990,str. 279-290
  • [309] Crisfield M.A., A consistent co-rotational formulation for non-linear three-dimensional beam elements. CMAME, 81, 1990, str. 131-150
  • [310] Day R.A., Potts O.M., Curved Mindlin beam and axisymmetric shell elements - a new approach. IJNME, 30, 1990, str. 1263-1274
  • [311] Destuynder P., Nevers T., Some numerical aspects of mixed finite elements for plate bending. CMAME, 78, 1990, str. 73-87
  • [312] Dill E.H., A triangular finite element for thick and thin plates. CS, 35, 4, 1990, str. 301-308
  • [313] Gilewski W., Gomuliński A., Physical shape functions. A new concept in finite elements. Finite Element News, 3, 1990, str. 20-23
  • [314] Jing H.S., Liao M.L., Partial hybrid stress element for transient analysis of thick laminated composite plates. IJNME, 29, 1990, str. 1787-1796
  • [315] Kebari H., A one point integrated assumed strain 4-node Mindlin plate element. Eng. Comput., 7, 1990, str. 284-290
  • [316] Militello C., Felippa C.A., A variational justification of the assumed natural strain formulation of finite elements - I. Variational principles. CS, 34, 3, 1990, 431-438
  • [317] Militello C., Felippa C.A., A variational justification of the assumed natural strain formulation of finite elements - II. The C-0 four-node plate element. CS, 34, 3, 1990, 439-444
  • [318] Noor A.K., Burton W.S., Peters J.M., Predictor-corrector procedures for stress and free vibration analyses of multilayered composite plates and shells. CMAlv.fE, 82, 1990, str. 341-363
  • [319] Papadopulos P., Taylor R.L., A triangular element based on Reissner-Mindlin plate theory. IJNME, 30, 1990, str. 1029-1049
  • [320] Parish H., An investigation of a finite rotation four node assumed strain shell element. IJNME, 30, 1990, str. 127-150
  • [321] Rakowski J., The interpretation of the shear locking in beam elements. CS, 37, 1990, str. 769-776
  • [322] Simo J.C., Fox D.D., Rifai M.S., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part III: Computational aspects of the nonlinear theory. CMAME, 79, 1990, str. 21-70
  • [323] Simo J.C., Rifai M.S., Fox D.O., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part IV: Variable thickness shells with through-the-thickness stretching. CMAME, 81, 1990, str. 91-126
  • [324] Simo J.C., Rifai M.S., A class of mixed assumed strain methods and the method of incompatible modes. IJNME, 29, 1990, str. 1595-1638
  • [325] Tessler A., A C-0 anisoparametric three-node shallow shell element. CMAME, 78, 1990, str. 89-103
  • [326] Verwoerd M.H., Kok A.W.M., A shear locking free six-node Mindlin plate bending element. CS, 36, 1990, str. 547-551
  • [327] Weissman S.L., Taylor R.L., Resultant fields for mixed plate bending elements. CMAME, 79, 1990, str. 321-355
  • [328] White D.W., Abel J.F., Accurate and efficient nonlinear formulation of a nine-node shell element with spurious mode control. CS, 35, 6, 1990, str. 621-641
  • [329] Sienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L., Onate E., Plate bending elements with discrete constraints: new triangular elements. CS, 35, 4, 1990, str. 505-522
  • [330] Akhtar M.N., Basu P.K., A new p-version general plate finite element. CMAME, 85, 1991, str. 219-236
  • [331] Belytschko T., Bindeman L.P., Assumed strain stabilization of the 4-node quadrilateral with 1-point quadrature for nonlinear problems. CMAME, 88, 1991, str. 311-340
  • [332] Brezzi F., Fortin R., Stanberg R., Error analysis of mixed interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci, 1, 1991, str. 125-151
  • [333] Choi C.K., Yoo S. W., Combined use of multiple improvement techniques in degenerated shell element. CS, 39, 5, 1991, str. 557-569
  • [334] Gilewski W., Gomuliński A., Physical shape functions in finite element analysis of moderately thick plates. IJNME, 32, 1991, str. 1115-1135
  • [335] Gilewski W., Radwańska M., A survey of finite element models for the analysis of moderately thick shells. FEAD, 9, 1991, str. 1-21
  • [336] Kbebari H., Cassell A.C., Non-conforming modes stabilization of a nine-node stress-resultant degenerated shell element with drilling freedom. CS, 40, 3, 1991, str. 569-580
  • [337] Kreja I., Cywiński Z., Degenerated isoparametric finite elements in nonlinear analysis of 2D-problems. CS, 41, 5, 1991, str. 1029-1040
  • [338] Parish H., An investigation of a finite rotation four node assumed strain shell element. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 127-150
  • [339] Peseux B., Dubigeon S., Equivalent homogeneous finite element for composite materials via Reissner principle. Part I: Finite element for plates. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 1477-1495
  • [340] Peseux B., Dubigeon S., Equivalent homogeneous finite element for composite materials via Reissner principle. Part II: Finite element for shells. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 1497-1509
  • [341] Pinsky P.M., Jasti R.V., On the use of Lagrange multiplier compatible modes for controlling accuracy and stability of mixed shell finite elements. CMAME, 85, 1991, str. 151-182
  • [342] Rakowski J., A critical analysis of quadratic beam finite elements. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 949-966
  • [343] Sze K.Y., Chow C.L., A mixed formulation of a four-node Mindlin shell/plate with interpolated covariant transverse shear strains. CS, 40, 3, 1991, str. 775-784
  • [344] Shi G., Voyiadjis Z., Simple and efficient shear flexible two-node arch/beam and four-node cylindrical shell/plate finite elements. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 759-776
  • [345] Tessler A., A higher-order plate theory with ideal finite element suitability. CMAME, 85, 1991, str. 183-205
  • [346] Tessler A., Saether E., A computationally viable higher-order theory for Iaminated composite plates. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 1069-1086
  • [347] Tseng Y.P., Wu T.C., Partial hybrid stress method applied to the higher-order laminated plates theory. CS, 41, 2, 1991, str. 313-323
  • [348] Weissman S.L., Taylor R.L., Four-node axisymmetric element based upon the Hellinger-Reissner functional. CMAME, 85, 1991, str. 39-55
  • [349] Yamada T., Kikuchi F., Wada A., A 9-node mixed shell element based on the Hu-Washizu principle. CM, 7, 1991, str. 149-171
  • [350] Yeom C.H., Lee S.W., On the strain assumption in a finite element model for plates and shells. IJNME, 31, 1991, str. 287-305
  • [351] Aminpour M.A., An assumed-stress hybrid 4-node shell element with drilling degrees of freedom IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 19-38
  • [352] Amnipour M.A., Direct formulation of a hybrid 4-node shell element with drilling degrees of freedom. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 997-1013
  • [353] Basar Y., Ding Y., Kratzig W.B., Finite-rotation shell element via mixed formulation. CM, 10, 1992, str. 289-306
  • [354] Batoz J.L., Katili I., On a simple triangular Reissner/Mindlin plate element based on incompatible modes and discrete constraints. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 1603-1632
  • [355] Belytschko T., Wong B.L., Chiang H.Y., Advances in one-point quadrature shell element. CMAME, 96, 1992, str. 93-103
  • [356] Boisse P., Danel J.L., Gelln J.C., A simple isoparametric three-node shell finite element. CS, 44, 1992, str. 1263-1273
  • [357] Briassoulis D., The C-0 structural finite elements reformulated. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 541-561
  • [358] Buechter N., Ramm E., Shell theory versus degeneration - a comparison in large rotation finite element analysis. IJNME, 34, 1992, str. 39-59
  • [359] Chróścielewski J., Makowski J., Stumpf H., Genuinely resultant shell finite elements accounting for geometric and material non-linearity. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 63-94
  • [360] Duran R., Liberman E., On mixed finite element methods for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. Math. Comput., 58, 1992, str. 561-573
  • [361] Fish J., Belytschko T., Stabilized rapidly convergent 18-degrees-of-freedom flat shell triangular element. IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 149-162
  • [362] Jendele L., Chan A.H.C., Phillips D.V., On the rank deficiency of Ahmad's degenerated shell element. EC, 9, 1992, str. 635-648
  • [363] Kabir H.R.H., A shear locking free isoparametric three-node triangular finite element for moderately thick and thin plates. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 503-519
  • [364] Kebari H., Cassell A.C., A stabilized 9-node non-linear shall element. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 37-61
  • [365] Kim S.H., Choi C.K., Improvement of quadratic finite element for Mindlin plate bending. IJNME, 34, 1992, str. 197-208
  • [366] Liao M.L., Jing H.S., Hwang M., Improvements on the higher order plate element with partial hybrid stress model. CS, 42, 1, 1992, str. 45-51
  • [367] Onate E., Zienkiewicz O.C., Suarez B., Taylor R.L., A general methodology for deriving shear constrained Reissner-Mindlin plate elements. IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 345-367
  • [368] Peng X., Crisfield A., A consistent co-rotational formulation for shells using the constant stress/constant moment triangle. IJNME, 35, 1992, str. 1829-1847
  • [369] Sacco E., Reddy J.N., On first- and second-order moderate rotation theories of laminated plates. IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 1-17
  • [370] Simo J.C., Rifai M.S., Fox D.D., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part VI: Conserving algorithms for non-linear dynamics. IJNME, 34, 1992, str. 117-164
  • [371] Vlechoutsis S., Shear correction factors for plates and shells. IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 1537-1552
  • [372] Vu-Quoc L., On a highly robust spurious-mode filtering method for uniformly reduced-integrated shell elements. IJNME, 34, 1992, str. 209-220
  • [373] Weissman S.L., Taylor R.L., Mixed formulations for plate bending elements. CMAME, 94, 1992, str. 391-427
  • [374] Yuqiu L., Fei X., A universal method for including shear deformation in thin plate elements. IJNME, 34, 1992, str. 171-177
  • [375] Zhang Z., A note on the hybrid-mixed C-0 curved beam elements. CMAME, 95, 1992, str. 243-252
  • [376] Zhongnian X., A thick-thin triangular plate element. IJNME, 33, 1992, str. 963-973
  • [377] Andelfinger U., Ramm E., EAS-elements for two-dimensional, three-dimensional, plate and shell structures and their equivalence to HR-elements. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 1311-1337
  • [378] Bernadou M., C-1-curved finite elements with numerical integration for thin plate and thin shell problems. Part 1: Construction and interpolation properties of curved C-1 finite elements. CMAME, 102, 1993, str. 255-289
  • [379] Bemadou M., C-1-curved finite elements with numerical integration for thin plate and thin shell problems. Part 2: Approximation of thin plate and thin shell problems. CMAME, 102, 1993, str. 389-421
  • [380] Belytschko T., Bindeman L.P., Assumed strain stabilization of the eight node hexahedral element. CMAME, 105, 1993, str. 225-260
  • [381] Briassoulis D., The. performance of a reformulated four-node plate bending element in moderately thick to very thin plate applications. CS, 47, 1, 1993, str. 125-141
  • [382] Bucalem M.L., Higher-order MITC general shall elements. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 3729-3754
  • [383] Cook R.D., Further development of a three-node triangular shell element. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 1413-1425
  • [384] Crivelli L.A et all., A three-dimensional non-linear Timoshenko beam based on the core-congruental formulation. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 3647-3673
  • [385] Dong Y.F., Wu C.C., Texteira de Freitas J.A., The hybrid stress model for Mindlin-Reissner plates based on a stress optimization condition. CS, 46,5, 1 993, str. 877-897
  • [386] Friedman Z., Kosmatka J., An improved two-node Timoshenko beam element. CS, 47, 1993, str. 473-481
  • [387] Gmur T.C., Schorderet A.M., A set of three-dimensional solid to shell transition elements for structural dynamics. CS, 46, 4, 1993, str. 583-591
  • [388] Karakostas C., Talaslidis D., Triangular C-0 bending elements based on the Hu-Washizu principle and orthogonality conditions. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 181-200
  • [389] Katili I., A new discrete Kirchhoff-Mindlin element based on Mindlin-Reissner plate theory and assumed strain fields. Part I: an extended DKT element for thick plate bending analysis. Part II: an extended DKQ element for thick plate bending analysis. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 1859-1883, 36, 193, str. 1885-1908
  • [390] Kratzig W.B., "Best" transverse shearing and stretching shell theory for nonlinear finite element simulations. CMAME, 103, 1993, str. 135-160
  • [391] Lee P.G., Sin H.C., Locking-free straight beam element based on curvature. Comm. Num. Meth. Eng., 9, 1993, str. 1005-1011
  • [392] Lee Y.L., Lee B.C., Derivation of stabilization matrices for Mindlin plates from the combined mixed functional and their mathematical characteristics. CS, 46, 1, 1993, str. 21-32
  • [393] Prathap G., Shashirekha B.R., Variationally correct assumed strain field for the simple curved beam element. CS, 47, 1993, str. 1071-1073
  • [394] Simo J.C., On a stress resultant geometrically exact shell model. Part VII: Shell intersections with 5/6-DOF finite element formulations. CMAME, 108, 1993, str. 319-339
  • [395] Talaslidis D., Wempner G.A., The linear isoparametric triangular element: Theory and application. CMAME, 103, 1993, str. 375-397
  • [396] Taylor R.L., Auricchio F., Linked interpolation for Reissner-Mindlin plate elements. Part II. A simple triangle. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 3057-3066
  • [397] Zhong Z.H., A bilinear shell element with the cross-reduced integration technique. IJNME, 36, 1993, str. 611-625
  • [398] Argyris J.H., Tenek L., Linear and geometrical nonlinear bending of Isotropic and multilayered composite plates by the natural mode method. CMAME, 113, 1994, str. 207-251
  • [399] Belytschko T., Leviathan I., Physical stabilization of the 4-node shell element with one point quadrature. CMAME, 113, 1994, 321-350
  • [400] Belytschko T., Leviathan I., Projection schemes for one-point quadrature shell elements. CMAME, 115, 1994, str. 277-286
  • [401] Cook R.D., Four-node "flat" shell element: drilling degrees of freedom, membrane-bending coupling, warped geometry, and behavior. CS, 50, 1994, str. 549-555
  • [402] Eisenberger M., Derivation of shape functions for an exact 4-DOF Timoshenko beam element. Comm. Numer. Meth. Eng., 10, 1994, str. 673-681
  • [403] Hueck U., Reddy B.D., Wriggers P., On the stabilization of the rectangular 4-node quadrilateral element. Comm. Num. Meth. Eng., 10, 1994, str. 555-563
  • [404] Jiang L., Chernuka M.W., A simple four-noded corotational formulation for shell element for arbitrary large rotation. CS, 53, 1994, str. 1123-1132
  • [405] Kabir H.R.H., A shear-locking free robust isoparametric three-node triangular element for general shells. CS, 51, 1994, str. 425-436
  • [406] Kang W., Pilkey W.D., The exact frequency-dependent stiffness and mass matrices of a general beam element with axial force and elastic foundations. Int. J. Analyt. Experim. Modal Anal., 9, 1994, str. 217-225
  • [407] Lee P.G., Sin H.C., Locking-free curved beam element based on curvature. IJNME, 37, 1994, str. 989-1007
  • [408] Liu H., Dirr B., Popp K., Comparison of some shell elements. CS, 53, 1994, str. 357-361
  • [409] Liu W.K., Hu Y.K., Belytschko T., Multiple quadrature underintegrated finite elements. IJNME, 37, 1994, str. 3263-3289
  • [410] Onate E., Zarate F., Flores F., A simple triangular element for thick and thin plate and shell analysis. IJNME, 37, 1994, str. 2565-2582
  • [411] Reddy B.D., Wriggers P., On the stabilization of the rectangular 4-node quadrilateral element. Comm. Num. Meth. Eng., 10, 1994, str. 555-564
  • [412] Schramm U., Kitis L., Kang W., Pilkey W., On the shear deformation coefficient in beam theory. FEAD, 16, 1994, str. 141-162
  • [413] Auricchio F., Taylor R.L., A triangular thick plate finite element with an exact thin limit. FEAD, 19, 1995, str. 57-68
  • [414] Betsch P., Stein E., An assumed strain approach avoiding artificial thickness straining for a nonlinear 4-node shell element. Comm. Appl. Numer. Methods, 11, 1995, str. 899-909
  • [415] Chinosi C., Shell elements as a coupling of plate and drill elements. CS, 57, 1995, str. 893-902
  • [416] Choi J.K., Lim J.K., General curved beam elements based on the assumed strain fields. CS, 55, 1995, str. 379-386
  • [417] Crisfield M.A., Moita G.F., Jelenic G., Lyons L.P.R., Enhanced-lower-order element formulation for large strains. CM, 17, 1995, str. 62-73
  • [418] Parish H., A continuum-based shell theory for non-linear applications. IJNME, 38, 1995, str. 1855-1883
  • [419] Park H., Cho C., Lee S.W., An efficient assumed strain element model with six DOF per node for geometrically non-linear shells. IJNME, 38, 1995, str. 4101-4122
  • [420] Pilkey W.D., Kang W., Schramm U., New structural matrices for a beam element with shear deformations. FEAD, 19, 1995, str. 25-44
  • [421] Stolarski H., Belytschko T., Lee S.H., A review of shell finite elements and corotational theories. Comput. Mech. Adv., 2, 1995, str. 125-212
  • [422] Zhang J.W., Kratzig W.B., A simple four-node quadrilateral finite element for plates. FEAD, 19, 1995, str. 195-207
  • [423] Betch P., Stein E., A nonlinear extensible 4-node shell element based on continuum theory and assumed strain interpolation. J Nonlinear. Sci., 6, 1996, str. 160-199
  • [424] Briassoulis D., The four-node C-0 shell element reformulated. IJNME, 39, 1996, str. 2417-2455
  • [425] Ganapathi M., Polit O., Touratier M., A C-0 eight-node membrane-shear-bending element for geometrically non-linear (static and dynamic) analysis of laminates. IJNME, 39, 1996, str. 3453-3474
  • [426] Hueck U., Wriggers P., A formulation for the 4-node quadrilateral element. IJNME, 39, 1996, str. 3007-3037
  • [427] Pilkey W.O., Kang W., Exact stiffness matrix for a beam element with axial force and shear deformation. FEAD, 22, 1996, str. 1-13
  • [428] Pitkaranta J., Suri M., Design principles and error analysis of reduced-shear plate-bending finite elements. Numer. Math., 75, 1996, str. 223-266
  • [429] Poulsen P.N., Damkilde L., A flat triangular shell element with loof nodes. IJNME, 39, 1996, str. 3867-3887
  • [430] Ryu H.S., Sin H.S., A 2-node strain based curved beam element. Trans. JSME, 18, 1996, str. 2540-2545
  • [431] Zhu Y., Zacharia T., A new one-point quadrature, quadrilateral shell element with drilling degrees of freedom. CMAME, 136, 1996, str. 195-217
  • [432] Ziyaeifar M., Elwi A.E., Degenerated plate-shell elements with refined transverse shearstrains. CS, 57, 1996, str. 1079-1091
  • [433] Alaylioglu H., Alaylioglu A., A practicable and highly accurate flat shell hybrid element for engineering application on PC. CS, 63 1997, str. 915-925
  • [434] Arnold D.N., Brezzi F., Locking-free finite element methods for shells. Math. Comp., 66, 1997, str. 1-14
  • [435] Arnold D.N., Falk R.S., Analysis of a linear-linear finite element for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 7, 1997, str. 217-238
  • [436] Bishoff M., Ramm E., Shear deformation elements for large strains and rotation. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 4427-4449
  • [437] Bucalem M., Bathe K.J., Finite element analysis of shell structures. Arch. Comput. Meth. Eng., 4, 1997
  • [438] Iosilevich A., Bathe K.J., Brezzi F., On evaluation the inf-sup condition for plate bending elements. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 3639-3663
  • [439] Kant T., Khare R.K., A higher-order facet quadrilateral composite shell element. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 4477-4499
  • [440] Knight Jr. N.F., The Raasch challenge for shell elements. AlAA J., 35, 1997, str. 375-381
  • [441] Korelc J., Wriggers P., Improved enhanced strain four-node element with Taylor expansion of the shape functions. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 407-421
  • [442] Kulla P.H., High prec ision finite elements. FEAD, 26, 1997, str. 97-114
  • [443] Li M., The finite deformation theory for beam, plate and shell. Part I. The two-dimensional beam theory. CMAME, 146, 1997, str. 53-63
  • [444] Litewka P., Rakowski J., An efficient curved beam finite element. IJNME. 40, 1997, str. 2629-2652
  • [445] Martins R.A.F., Sabino J., A simple and efficient triangular finite element for plate bending. EC, 14, 8, 1997, str. 883-889
  • [446] Reddy J.N., On locking-free shear deformable beam elements. CMAME, 149, 1997, str. 113-132
  • [447] Sengupta O., Dasgupta S., Static and dynamic applications of a five noded horizontally curved beam element with shear deformation. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 1801-1819
  • [448] Shabana A.A., Christensen A.P., Three-dimensional absolute nodal co-ordinate formulation: plate problem. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 2775-2790
  • [449] Sze K.Y., Zhu D., Chen D.P., Quadratic triangular C-0 plate bending element. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 937-951
  • [450] Yong-Woo K., Reduced minimization of product and non-product type in Mindlin plate elements. IJNME, 40, 1997, str. 3117-3139
  • [451] Ayad R., Dhatt G., Batoz J.L., A new hybrid-mixed variational approach for Reissner-Mindlin plates. The MISP model. IJNME, 42, 1998, str. 1149-1179
  • [452] Behdinan K., Stylianou M.C., Tabarrok B., Co-rotational dynamic analysis of flexible beams. CMAME, 154, 1998, str. 151-161
  • [453] Chapelle D., Bathe K.J., Fundamental considerations for the finite element analysis of shell structures. CS, 66, 1998, str. 19-36
  • [454] Chapelle D., Stanberg R., Stabilized finite element formulations for shells in a bending dominated state. SIAM J. Num. Anal., 36, 1998, str. 32-73
  • [455] Friedman Z., Kosmatka J.B., An accurate two-node finite element for shear deformable curved beams. IJNME, 41, 1998, str. 473-498
  • [456] Kemp B.L., Cho C., Lee S.W., A four-node solid shell element formulation with assumed strain. IJNME, 43, 1998, str. 909-924
  • [457] Kim J.G., Kim Y.Y., A new higher-order hybrid-mixed curved beam element. IJNME, 43, 1998, str. 925-940
  • [458] Litewka P., Rakowski J., The exact thick arch finite element. CS, 68, 1998, str. 369-379
  • [459] Liu M.L., To C.W.S., A further study of hybrid strain-based three-node flat triangularshell element. FEAD, 31, 1998, str. 135-152
  • [460] Lo S.H., Lee C.K., On constructing accurate recovered stress fields for the finite element solution of Reissner-Mindlin plate bending problems. CMAME, 160, 1998, str. 175-191
  • [461] Lovadina C., Analysis of a mixed finite element method for the Reissner-Mindlin problems. CMAME, 163, 1998, str. 71-85
  • [462] MacNeal R.H., Perspective on finite elements for shell analysis. FEAD, 30, 1998, str. 175-186
  • [463] MacNeal R.H., Wilson C.T., Harder R.L., Hoff C.C., The treatment of shell normals in finite element analysis. FEAED, 30, 1998, str. 235-242
  • [464] Mohr G.A., Improving an accurate thin plate element. CMAME, 166, 1998, str. 341-348
  • [465] Morley L.S.D., Unique decomposition of element stiffness numeric matrices for three-noded plate bending triangles. IJNME, 43, 1998, str. 441-477
  • [466] Sadek E.A., Some serendipity finite elements for the analysis of laminated plates. CS, 69, 1998, str. 37-51
  • [467] Singh G., Raju K.K., Rao G.V., A new lock-free, material finite clement for flexure of moderately thick rectangular composite plates. CS, 69, 1998, str. 609-623
  • [468] Sze K.Y., Zhu D., A simple assumed strain method for enhancing the accuracy of the cubic triangular C-0 plate bending element. FEAD, 29, 1998, str. 21-33
  • [469] Sze K.Y., Zhu D., Assumed strain and hybrid destabilized ten-node C-0 triangular shell elements. CM, 21, 1998, str. 161-171
  • [470] To C.W.S., Wang B., Hybrid strain-based flat triangular laminated composite shell elements. FEAD, 28, 1998, str. 177-207
  • [471] Vermeulen A.H., Heppler G.R., Predicting and avoiding shear locking in beam vibration problems using B-spline field approximation method. CMAME, 158, 1998, str. 311-327
  • [472] Yunhua L., Explanation and elimination of shear locking and membrane locking with field consistence approach. CMAME, 162, 1998, str. 249-269
  • [473] Zeng Q., Combescure A., A new one-point quadrature general non-linear quadrilateral shell element with physical stabilization. IJNME, 42, 1998, str. 1307-1338
  • [474] Actis R.L., Szabo B.A., Schwab C., Hierarchic models for laminated plates and shells. CMAME, 172, 1999, str. 79-107
  • [475] Auricchio F., Sacco E., A mixed-enhanced finite-element for the analysis of laminated composite plates. IJNME, 44, 1999, str. 1481-1504
  • [476] Chinosi C., Lovadina C., Remarks on partial selective reduced integration method for Reissner-Mindlin plate problem. CS, 73, 1999, str. 73-78
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  • [618] Tessler A., Spangler J., A least-squares variational method for full-field reconstruction of elastic deformations in shear-deformable plates and shells. CMAME, 194, 2005, str. 327-339
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