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Ocena zadowolenia klienta jako element analizy skuteczności systemu zarządzania jakością

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Estimation of client's satisfaction as an element of efficiency of quality management system analysis
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This paper concerns practical aspects of efficiency analysis of quality system with regard of client's satisfactions estimation. It emphasises the need of associating of internal organisation estimation (self estimation) with exterior estimation (stated by the client) which should be used to determine its goals assuring the organisation's market adventage. In the paper a proposal of coefficients was presented which allow estimation of the schedule of identyfied processes in the business acting in a polygraphic branch, among which a point scale of client's satisfaction was used. In order to do this analysis of selected tools supporting client's satisfaction estimation was performed, among them there are: survey, Servqual method and Servperv method. Basing on this a choice of used methods in the research was done. Presented score of empiric research was minimized to client's satisfaction estimation, which according to used research technics became the subject of detailed analysis. The first stage of research based on the surveys and at the second stage it was substituted by Servperv method used as estimation of service quality. In the paper a modified questionnaire of research was presented, a proposal of parameters and quality criteria appropriate to this kind of service and research score carried out with help of the method. Differences between effects of traditional surveys and results obtained with Servperv method was revealed. The paper finishes with conclusions resulting from conducted research.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz.
  • Instytut Innowacyjności Procesów i Produktów Politechnika Opolska ul. Ozimska 75 45-370 Opole tel./fax.: (0-77) 423 40 44,
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