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Dzieje polskich badań botanicznych i mykologicznych lądowych obszarów Antarktyki i Subantarktyki

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History of polish botanical and mycological researches on sheets of land of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic in the years 1977-2009
Języki publikacji
The work includes a description of the period from the moment of setting up Polish Polar Station on King George Island (1977) to the end of International Polar Year IV in 2009. Researches on flower plants focused, among others, on plants' morphology, morphological composition of the pollen and anatomical ultra-structure of the leaves. There were also carried out biochemical and other searches for the internal mutability. Within physiological studies one concentrated on the problem of reaction to temperature stress. Biological researches focused mainly on solving taxonomic and bio-geographic problems. Finally, were published several monographs and, among others, the first in history complete description of moss` flora of the whole of Antarctic (2008). Research works over algae included also such issues as floristics, bio-geography, taxonomy and ecology (for instance, (the rookery's impact on distribution of algae, or the influence of inanimate factors on dynamics of condensing the Diatoma in different water and soil-bound tanks). Up till now, within mycological investigations has been identified a variety of lichen fungi that for the most part of Antarctic are a novelty. There were scientifically described new for science genera and species of Western Antarctic. Lichenological studies were made in the field of taxonomy, geography, lichenometry, biochemistry of lichens, lichenoindication, ecophysiology and from the point of analysis of base metals' content. There were also described new for science species. Since 1991, were published the results of searches for the base metals' content and vestigial chemical elements in lichens' thallus. Ecophysiological researches concerned both micro-climatic conditions' impact on primary production and lichens' adaptation to a very cold climate. One discovered a mechanism of two-phase hydratization/dehydratization of lichens' thallus. On the ground of palaeobotanical analyzes was reconstructed a development of flora in Western Antarctic from the late Cretaceous period to the beginning of Melville's continental glaciation. One singled out three floristic stages and were reconstructed their peculiarities in the development of flora. There was also described an early Jurassic flora of Hope Bay (Półwysep Antarktyczny - Antarctic Peninsula) that turned out to be the richest Jurassic flora in the world. From that point of view were analyzed new species of mineral plants. Ecological researches concentrated on the problems connected with several issues and, among others, with the processes of settlement and succession, distribution and ecology of land biotopes, changes in their spatial structure, and state of biotopes' biological mass. The second group of issues concerned the anthropogenous impacts. One also analyzed early stages of synanthropization of flora. Another important issue was recognizing an extent of the pollution of the environment, particularly with base metals. In the years 1977-2009 were published, at least, 426 notes, articles and monographs that were a result of botanical and mycological researches on sheets of land of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic,
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 144 poz.
  • Zakład Badań i Dokumentacji Polarnej im. Prof. Z. Czeppego Instytut Botaniki Uniwersytet Jagielloński Kraków
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  • 2. Wybrana literatura dotycząca historii polskich badań w Antarktyce: K. Birkenmajer: 30 years of Polish scientific research in Antarctica. "Polish Polar Research" 1988 [wyd. 1989] t. 9 nr 4 s. 419-420; J. Machowski: Polscy zdobywcy białego lądu. Historia polskich odkryć, wypraw i badań w Antarktyce. Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Dialog" Warszawa 1997 ss. 152; J. Machowski: Contributian of H. Arctowski and A.B- Dobrowolski to the Betgica expedition (1897-1899). [w:] H. Decleir, C. De Broyer (red,): The Belgica expedition centennial. Perspectives on Antarctic science and history. Proceedings of the Belgica Centennial Symposium. 14-16 May 1998, Brussels. VUB Brussles University Press 2001 s. 133-142; S. Rakusa -Suszczewski: Ludzie z antarktycznej historii. Zakład Biologii Antarktyki PAN Warszawa 1995 ss. 71; S, Rakusa-Suszczewski, K. Jażdżewski, " A. Myrcha, M. Olech: Bioiogical and ecological studies carried out at the Polish Antarctic Station Henryk Arctowski. 1977-1997. "Polish Polar Research" 1998 t. 19 nr 1-237 60; Z. Wójcik: Joannes Georgius Adamus Forster. his voyages and Polish relations. "Polish Polar Research" 1989 t. 10 nr 1 s. 31-45; S. M. Zalewski: "Pierwsi Polacy w Antarktyce - początki historii naszych badań antarktycznych. [w;] A. Olszewski (red.): XVI Sympozjum Polarne "Dorobek i perspektywy polskich badań polarnych", Toruń, 19-20 września 1989 r. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika Toruń, Rozprawy 1989 s. 41-45.
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  • 6. I. Giełwanowska, P. M. Loro; Niektóre cechy biologiczne Deschampsia antarctica Desv. Some biological characteristics of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. [w:] J. Miądlikowska (red.): Botanika polska u progu XXI wieku. Materiały sympozjum i obrad sekcji 51 Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego. Gdańsk. 15-19 września 1998 Polish Botany on the threshold of the XXI century. Proceedings of the 51 Congress of the Polish Botanical Society. Gdańsk, 15-19 September 1998. Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne, Oddział Gdański, Katedra Ekologii Roślin i Ochrony Przyrody Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 1998 s. 160.
  • 7. A. Barcikowski, J. Czaplewska, P. Loro, A. Łyszkiewicz, J. Smykla, A. Wojciechowska: Ecological variability of Deschampsia antarctica in the area of Admiralty Bay (King George Island. Maritime Antarctic). [w:] L. Frey (red.): Problems of grass biology. W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 2003 s. 383-396.
  • 8. A. Sadowska: Pollen morphology of two angiospermous plants from Antarctica - Colobanthus ąuitensis and Deschampsia antarctica. "Grana" 1998 t. 37 nr l s. 58-62.
  • 9. I. Giełwanowska, A. Bochenek, E. Szczuka: Development of the pollen in the Antarctic flowering plant Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. ,,Acta. Agrobotanica" 2007 t. 60 nr 2 s. 3-8; E. Szczuka, I. Giełwanowska, I. A. Pidek, A. Seta, M. Domaciuk, W. Kołodziejski; Pollen of the Antarctic plants Colobanthus ąuitensis and Deschampsia antarctica and its representation in moss polsters. Pyłek antarktycznych roślin Colobanthus ąuitensis i Deschampsia antarctica i jego reprezentacja w próbkach mchów. "Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin - Polonia, sectio C" 2008 t. 63 nr l s. 63-70.
  • 10. I. Giełwanowska, E. Szczuka, A. Bochenek: Zapylenie u antarktycznej rośliny kwiatowej Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. Pollination in the Antarctic ftowering plant Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. "Acta Agrobotanica" 2006 t. 59 nr l s. 123-131.
  • 11. I. Giełwanowska: Ultrastructural investigations of Deschampsia antarctica mesophyll. Ultrastrukturalne badania mezofilu Deschampsia antarctica. [w:] M. A. Olech (red.): XXIX International Polar Symposium. The functioning of polar ecosystems as viewed against global environmental changes. Kraków. 19-21 September 2003. Zdzisław Czeppe Department of Polar research and Documentation, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Committee on Polar Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish [sic, Polar] Club of the Polish Geographical Society, Kraków 2003 s. 47-49; I. Giełwanowska, A. Bochenek, P. Loro: Anatomical responses of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. and Deschampsia antarctica Desv. to abiotic stress factors. "Ecological Questions" 2008 t. 9 s. 45-56; I. Giełwanowska, E. Szczuka: New ultrastructural features of organelles in leaf cells of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. "Polar Biology" 2005 t. 28 s. 951-955; I. Giełwanowska, E. Szczuka, J. Bednara, R. Gorecki: Anatomical features and ultrast of Deschampsia antarctica (Poaceae) leaves from different groving habitats. "Annals of Botany" 2005 t. 96 nr 6 s. 1109-1119.
  • 12. B. Czeczuga, R. Gutkowski, R. Czerpak: Studies on the carotenoids of the Embryophyta. VII. Representatives of the families Gramineae and Caryophyllaceae from King George Island (South Shetland Islands). "Polish Polar Research" 1984 t. 5 nr 1-2 s. 113-120; A. Piotrowicz - Cieślak, I. Giełwanowska, A. Bochenek, P Loro, R. Górecki: Carbohydrates in Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica. "Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae" 2005 t. 74 nr 3 s. 209-217.
  • 13. K. J. Chwedorzewska, P. T. Bednarek, J. Puchalski: Molecular variation of Antarctic grass Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from King George Island (Antarctica). "Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae" 2004 t. 73 nr l s. 23-29; A. Tatur, A. Myrcha: Influence of penguin manuring on chemical composition of Deschampsia antarctica. [w:] ]4th Symposium on Polar Biology. NIPR, Tokyo 1991 Abstracts s. 65.
  • 14. G. Bystrzejewska: Photosynthetic temperature response of Antarctic plant Deschampsia antarctica and of temperate region plant Deschampsia coespitosa [sic!]. "Polish Journal of Ecology" 2001 t. 49 nr 3 s. 215-219; G. Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska, P. L. Urban: Tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa) exhibits a lower photosynthetic plasticity than Antarctic hairgrass (D. antarctica). "Journal of Integrative Plant Biology" 2009 t. 51 nr 6 s. 593-603; I. Giełwanowska: Deschampsia antarctica responses to abiotic stress factors. "Acta Physiologiae Plantarum" 2003 t. 25 nr 3 s. 61-62.
  • 15. I. Giełwanowska, A. Bochenek, P. M. Loro: Biology of generative reproduction of Deschampsia antarctica. [w:] L. Frey (red,): Biology of grasses.Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 2005 s. 181-195.
  • 16. A. Barcikowski, R. Łyżwińska, K. Zarzycki: Growth rate and biomass production of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. in the Admiralty Bay region. South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. "Polish Polar Research" 1999 [wyd. 2000] t. 20 nr 3 s. 301-311.
  • 17. K. J. Chwedorzewska: Preliminary genetic study on species from genus Deschampsia from Antarctic (King George I.) and Arctic (Spitsbergen). "Polar Biosciences" 2006 t. 19 s. 142-147; K. J. Chwedorzewska, P. T. Bednarek: Genetic variability in the Antarctic hairgrass Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from Maritime Antarctic and Subantarctic sites. "Polish Journal of Ecology" 2008 t. 56 nr 2 s. 209-216; K. J. Chwedorzewska, A. Nędzarek: Preliminary genetic study on Deschampsia antarctica, and their related species from genus Deschampsia [w:] W. Prus-Głowacki, E. M. Pawlaczy k (red.): Variability and evolution, - new perspectives. Professor Jerzy Szweykowski in memoriam. Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Seria Biologiczna 2005 t. 72 s. 149-157; S. S. Kyrjachenko, I. A. Kozerec'ka, S. Rakusa-Suszczewski: The genetic and molecular biological enigma of Deschampsia antarctica in Antarctica. "Cytology and Genetics" 2005 t. 39 nr 4 s. 75-80.
  • 18. K. Zarzycki: Rośliny naczyniowie i lądowe biotopy, [w:] S. Rakusa- Suszczewski (red.): Zatoka Admiralicji. Ekosystem strefy przybrzeżnej Morskiej: Antarktyki. Oficyna Wydawnicza. Instytut Ekologii PAN, Dziekanów Leśny l992 s. 247-256; K. Zarzycki: Vascular plants and terrestrial biotopes. [w:] S. Rakusa-Suszczewski (red.): The Maritime Antarctic coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay. Department of Antarctic Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1993 s. 181-187.
  • 19. A. Barcikowski, P. Loro, J. Smykla, K, Zarzycki: Rozmieszczenie i ekologia Deschampsia antarctica (Poaceae) w warunkach morskiej Antarktyki. [w:] L. Frey (red.): IV Ogólnopolskie Spotkanie Naukowe ., Taksonomia, kariologia i rozmieszczenie traw w Polsce", Kraków, 16-17 listopada 2000 r. [Streszczenia referatów]. Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera, Fundacja Botaniki Polskiej im. Władysława Szafera, Kraków 2000 s. 5.
  • 20. A. Barcikowski, P. M. Loro, A. Łyszkiewicz, A. Wojciechowska: Variability of coverage, response pattern to habitat and biomass of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. in the area of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctic). Zmienność struktury przestrzennej, pokrycia i stanu biomasy Deschampsia antarctica Desv. w rejonie Zatoki Admiralicji (Szetlandy Południowe, Antarktyka). [w:] M. A. Olech (red.): XXIX International Polar Symposium. The functioning of polar ecosystems as viewed against global environmental cyt. s. 19-23.
  • 21. C. Hołdyński, P. M. Loro, W. Pisarek: Wind dispersal of Deschampsia antarctica diaspores at the vicinity of the Arctowski Polar Station. Wpływ wiatru na rozsiewanie diaspor Deschampsia antarctica w sąsiedztwie polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej H. Arctowskiego. [w:] M. A. Olech (red.): XXIX International Polar Symposium. The functioning of polar ecosystems as viewed against global environmental changes... dz. cyt. s. 57-60.
  • 22. P. Loro, A. Barcikowski, I. Giełwanowska, C. Hołdyński, J. Smykla: Osobnik, klon czy subpopulacja problem statusu biologicznego kępek trawy na przykładzie Deschampsia antarctica. [w:] L. Frey (red.): VI Ogólnopolskie Spotkanie Naukowe "Biologia traw".., dz. cyt. s. 29.
  • 23. K. J. Chwedorzewska: Poa annua L. in Antarctic: searching for the source of introduction. ,,Polar Biology" 2008.t. 31, s. 263-268; M. A. Olech: Expansion of alien vascular plant Poa annua L. in the vicinity of the Henryk Arctowski Station - a consequence of climate change? [w:] M. A. Olech (red.): XXIX International Polar Symposium. The functioning of polar ecosystems as viewed against global environmental changes... dz. cyt. s. 89-90; M. Olech: Human impact on terrestrial eco-systems in West Antarctica. "Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology" 1996 t. 9 s. 299-306.
  • 24. A. Nędzarek, K. J. Chwedorzewska: Biogeny w glebie i w wodzie zasilającej wybrane stanowiska trawy Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Wyspa Królu Jerzego, Antarktyka). Nutrients content in water supplying chosen sites of Antarctic grass Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (King George Island, Antarctica). [w:] A. Styszyńska, A. A. Marsz (red.): Polish Polar Studies. XXX Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Polarne... dz. cyt. s. 263-270; A. Nędzarek, K. J. Chwedorzewska: Stężenie nutrientów w wodzie zasilającej wybrane stanowiska trawy Deschampsia antarctica (King George Island. Antarctica). "Folia Universitatis Agricullurae Stetinensis nr 234, Agricultura" 2004 t. 93 s. 299-304; A. Nędzarek, K. J. Chwedorzewska, S. Rakusa-Suszczewski: Stężenie biogenów w glebie i w wodzie zasilającej wybrane stanowiska trawy Deschampsia antarctica (King George Island, Antarctica). [w:] A. Styszyńska, A. A. Marsz (red.): XXX Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Polarne Gdynia, 23-25 września 2004. Streszczenia wystąpień- Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Komitet Badań Polarnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Klub Polarny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, Gdynia 2004 s. 129-130.
  • 25. I. Giełwanowska: Specyfika rozwoju antarktycznych roślin naczyniowych Colobanthus ąuitensis (Kunth) Bartl. i Deschampsia antarctica Desv. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2005 ss. 175.
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  • 28. R. Ochyra, J. Váňa: The hepatics of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with particular reference to the Admiralty Bay region. "Polish Polar Research" 1989 t. 10 nr 2 s. 183-210.
  • 29. R. Ochyra, J. Váňa : The hepatics reported from the Antarctic and an outline of their phytogeography. "Polish Polar Research" 1989 t. 10 nr 2 s. 211-229.
  • 30. R. Ochyra: Bryophyta Antarctica Exsiccata. Numbers 1-200. Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 1984 ss. nlb. 27; distr. by Horton D.H. University of Alberta Edmomon. Canada.
  • 31. R. Ochyra, D. H. Vitt, D. G. Horton: An annotated guide to Bryophyta Antarctica Exsiccata. "Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichénol." 1986 t. 7 nr l s. 53-62.
  • 32. H. Bednarek-Ochyra, R. Ochyra: Bucklandiella pachydictyon (Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra. Prince Edward Islands and Iles Crozet. "Journal of Bryology" 2008 t. 30 ([w;] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 18) s. 162; R. Ochyra: Mosses. [w:] S. L. Chown & P. W. Froneman (red.). The Prince Edward Islands: land-sea interactions in a changing ecosystems. African SunMedia, Stellenbosch 2008 s. 383-389.
  • 33. H. Bednarek - Ochyra, R. Ochyra; Bucklandiella pachydictyon (Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra... dz. cyt.; R. Ochyra: Hennediella antarctica (Angstr.) Ochyra & Matties. ?les Crozet. "Journal of Bryology" 2006 t. 28 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 12) s. 69.
  • 34. H. Bednarek-Ochyra. R. Ochyra: Racomitrium lamprocarpum (Mül1. Hal.) Jaeg. - an addition to the moss flora of ?les Kerguelen and the Subantarctic. "Journal of Bryology" 1998 t. 20 s. 525-528; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: VII. A reappraisal of Tortula didymodontoides (Musci. Pottiaceae) from ?les Kerguelen. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1997 t. 42 nr 1 s. 147-152; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: XIII. A neotypification and the taxonomic status of Barbula validinervia, (Pottiaceae), with a note on muscological research on ?les Kerguelen. "Fragmenta Floristica el Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 245-253; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses. VIII. Valdonia gen. nov. (Seligeriaceae) from the Kerguelen Province in the Subantarctic. "Cryptogamie, Bryologie" 2003 t. 24 s. 87-102; R. Ochyra, R. S. Paulsen: Four new moss records from ?les Kerguelen. "Journal of Bryology) 2003 t. 25 s. 136-138.
  • 35. [dostp 5 V 2010]
  • 36. Np.: H. Bednarek - Ochyra, R. I. Lewis - Smith, R. Ochyra: The genus Plagiothecium (Plagiotheciaceae. Bryopsida) in Antarctica. " Bryobrothera" 1999 t. 5 ([w:] J. Enroth. J. Hyvönen and S. Piippo (red.), From Finland to Japan to New Guinea to China - that is Timo Koponen. bryologist) s. 55-64; H. Bednarek-Ochyra, R. Ochyra: Bucklandiella lamprocarpa (Müll. Hal) Bedanrek-Ochyra & Ochyra. Macquarie Island. "Journal of Bryology" 2007 t. 29 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 15) s. 139-140; R. Ochyra; Amblyodon dealbatus (Musci, Meesiaceae) - a bipolar disjunct. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1992 t. 37 nr l s. 251-259; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: IX. Platydictya (Bryopsida, Hypnaceae). "Annales Botanici Fennici" 1999 t. 36 s. 51-58; R. Ochyra: Grimmia plagiopodia (Musci, Grimmiaceae) in the Southern Hemisphere. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1993 t. 38 nr l s. 21-27; R. Ochyra: On the Antarctic species of the family Orthotrichaceae, "Lindbergia 1985(1986)t. 11 s. 141-146; R. Ochyra: The bryophyte floras ofAntarctica. "Polish Academy of Sciences. Annual Report" 2001 s. 36 -38: R. Ochyra: The discovery of thej South Georgian endemic species Schistidium urnulaceum (C. Muell.) B. G. Bell Musci: Grimmiaceae) in the Antarctic. "Polish Polar Research'" 1990 [wyd. 199] t. 11 nr l-2 s. 133 -146; R. Ochyra: The southernmost locality jor Limprichtia revolvens (Musci, Amblystegiaceae). "Fragmentu Floristica et Geobotamca" 1996 t. 41 nr 2 . 1014-1016: R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek - Ochyra: Didymodon australasiae Cardot & Broth. Heard Island. "Journal of Bryology" 2007 t. 29 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records. nr 17) s. 277-278: R. Ochyra. H. Bednarek - Ochyra, T. Arts. R. I. Lewis Smith: Occurrence of the neotropical moss Dicranella hilariana (Mont.) Mitt in the Antarctic. "Tropical Bryology"2000 t. 18 s. 153-160; R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek - Ochyra, R. I. Lewis Smith: Andreaea mutabilis Hook. F. & Wilson South Georgia. "Journal of Bryology" 2003 t. 25 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.). New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 7) s. 141; R. Ochyr, H. Bednarek - Ochyra. R. I. Lewis -Smith: The moss flora of Antarctica [w:] IAB Symposium on 2000`s Bryology. International Symposium on Bryology, Beijing, China, 26-30 May 1997. Abstracts. Institute of Botany, Beijing 1997 s. 126; R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek-Ochyra, R. D. Seppelt: Philonotis polymorpha (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Macquarie Island. "Journal of Bryology" 2008 t. 30 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 18) s. 164; R. Ochyra. B. G. Bell; A record ofSchistidium falcatum (Bryophyta: Musci)from the Antarctic. "Br. Antarctic Survey Bull." 1984 t. 64 s. 77-79: R. Ochyra. H. Hertel: Contribution to the moss flora of the subantarctic island Marion. "Polish Botanical Studies" 1990 t. l s. 19-34; R. Ochyra, R. I. Lewis - Smith: Antipodal mosses;: VI. Stegonia latifolia (Musci.Pottiaceae) in the Antarctic. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1996 t. 41 nr 2 s. 985-994; R. Ochyra, R. I. Lewis - Smith: Meesia uliginosu Hedw. (Musci. Meesiaceae) in Antarctica. "Cryptogamie, Bryologie" 1999 t. 20 nr l s. 5-10; R. Ochyra, M. E. Newton: The taxonomy and distribution of Dicranella cardotti (R. Br. ter.) Dix., an addition to the moss flora of Antarctica. "Lindbergia" 1985 (1986) t. 11 s. 94-98; R. Ochyra, H. Ochi: Bryum dichotomum Hedw., a species new to the Antarctic. "Lindbergia" 1985 (1986) t. 11 s. 157-160; R. Ochyra, H. Ochi: New or otherwise interesting species of the genus Bryum (Musci, Bryaceae) in the Antarctic. Acta Botanica Hungarica" 1986 t. 32 nr l - 4 s. 209-219; R. Ochyra. R. D. Seppe1t: Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp. Heard Island. "Journal of Bryology" 2008 t. 30 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.). New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 18) s. 161-162; R. Ochyra, R. D. Seppelt: Bryum orbiculatifolium Cardot & Broth. Heard Island. "Journal of Bryology" 2008 t. 30 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr l8) s. 162; R. Ochyra, S. M. Singh: Three remarkable moss records from Dronning Maud Land. continental Antarctica. "Nova Hedwigia" 2008 t. 86 nr 3-4 s. 497-506; R. Ochyra, V. R. Smith, N. J. M. Gremmen: Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Schimp. (Thuidiaceae) another bipolar moss disjunct from Subantarctic Marion Island. "Cryptogamie, Bryologie" 2003 t. 24 .s. 253-263; R. Ochyra, O. Tyshchenko: Leptoybryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson. Antarctic Peninsula. "Journal of Bryology" 2006 t. 28 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records, nr 13) s. 151-152; R. Ochyra, R. H. Zander: The genera Didymodon and Bryoerythrophyllum (Pottiaceae) in Antarctica. "Journal of Bryology" 2002 t. 24 s. 33-44.
  • 37. S.-P. Li, R. Ochyra, P.-C. Wu. R. D. Seppelt, M.-H. Cai, H.-Y Wang, C.-S. Li: Drepanocladus longifolius (Amblystegiaceeie). and addition to the moss flora of King George Island. South Shetland Islands. with a review of Antarctic benthic mosses. "Polar Biology" 2009 t. 32 s. 1415-1425; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: I. A revision o f the genus Holodontium (Seligeriaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica; et Geobotanica" 1993 t. 38 s. 75 98; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: VII A reappraisal of Tortula didymodontoides (Musci, Pottiaceae) from f ?les Kerguelen. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1997 t. 42 nr l s. 147-152; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: XI. Additional new synonyms of Anisothecium hookeri (Dicranaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 233-238; R Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: XIII. A neotypification and the taxonomic status of, Barbula validinervia (Pottiaceae). with a note on muscological research on ?les; Kerguelen. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 245-253; R Ochyra; Antipodal mosses. XIV. On the taxonomic status of Grimmia lawiana (Bryopsida: Grimmiaceae) from the continental Antarctic. "Polish Polar Research" 2004 t. 25 nr 2 s. 111-122; R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses: XV. Taxonomy and distribution of Schistidium cupulare (Bryopsida Grimmiaceae). "Polish Polar Research" 2004 t. 25 nr 2 s. 123-133; R. Ochyra: Didymodon brachyphyllus (Sull.) R. H. Zander: South Georgia. "Journal of Bryology" 2005 t. 27 ([w:] T. Blockeel (red.), New national and regional bryophyte records. nr 11) s. 164; R. Ochyra: Ditrichum austrogeorgicum: a synonym of D. hyalinum (Ditrichaceae, Bryopsida). "Cryptogamie, Bryologie" 1999 t. 20 s. 247-253; R. Ochyra: New names and combinations in Schistidium (Musci, Grimmiaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1998 t. 43 nr l s. 103-108; R. Ochyra: Nomenclatural notes on mosses- XIX. Verrucidens (Seligeriaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 499-502; R. Ochyra: One more synonym of Holodontium strictum (Musci, Seligeriaceae). ,.Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1996 t. 41 nr 2 s. 1011-1014; R. Ochyra: Taxonomic investigations of European, East African and Antarctic mosses. [w:] K. Zarzycki, U. Korzeniak (red.), Research progresu report (1988-1990). W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences. "Polish Botanical Studies - Guidebook Series" 1990 t. l s. 43-44; R. Ochyra: Tortula hoppeana, the correct name for Desmatodon latifolius in Tortula (Bryopsida. Pottiaceae). "The Bryologist" 2004 t. 107 nr 4 s, 497-500; R. Ochyra: The identities of some forms of Antarctic mosses. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 511-514; R. Ochyra: The taxonomic status of Brachythecium turquetii (Musci, Bruchytheciaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1998 t.43 nr 2 s. 287 289; R. Ochyra: The taxonomic status of two varieties of Ditrichum (Musci, Ditrichaceae) from southern South America, "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 504 -507; R. Ochyra: The type of Barbula calobolax var. angustinervia (Musci, Pottiaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1998 t. 43 nr 2 s. 285-287; R. Ochyra: What is Dichelyma antarcticum C Muell? "Polish Polar Research" 1987 [published in 1988] t. 8 nr 4 i. 403-410; R. Ochyra, I. K. Bartlett: Identity of Drepanocladus fontinaliopsis (C. Muell.) Bryoth. ex Par. (Bryopsida, Amblystegiaceae). "New Zealand Journal of Botany" 1986 t. 24 s. 361-368; R. Ochyra. H. Bednarek - Ochyra: The type specimen of Leptotrichum praealtum (Musci. Ditrichaceae). "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1997 t. 42 nr 2 s. 567-570; R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek-Ochyra, R. I. Lewis Smith: New and rare moss species from subantarctic South Georgia. "Nova Hedwigia" 2002 t. 74 s. 121-147; R. Ochyra, P. J. Lightowlers: The South Georgian moss flora: Vittia. "British Antarctic Survey Bulletin" 1988 t. 80 s. 121 127; R. Ochyra, C. M. Matteri: Nomenclature changes in South American and sub-Antarctic mosses. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1996 .41 nr 2 s. 1005-1010.
  • 38. R. Ochyra: Dicranella gremmenii (Musci. Dicrabaceae) sp. nov. from Subantarctic Marion /Island. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 219-225.
  • 39. R. Ochyra R., R. I. Lewis - Smith: Antarctic species in the genus Ditrichum (Ditrichaceae. Bryopsida), with a description of D. gemmiferum sp. nov. "Annales Botanici Fennici" 1998 t. 35 s. 33-53.
  • 40. R. Ochyra: Ditrichum lewis-smithii (Ditrichaceae, Bryopsida). a new species from Antarctica. "Annales Botanici Fennici" 1996 t. 33 s. 303-309.
  • 41. R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek - Ochyra: Racomitrium valdon-smithii (Musci, Grimmiaceae) .sp. nov. from Subantarctic Marion Island. "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica" 1999 t. 44 nr 2 s. 209-217.
  • 42. R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek - Ochyra. R, I. Lewis Smith; Schistidium deceptionense, another new endemic moss species from the Antarctic. "The Bryologisl"2003 t. 106 s. 569-574.
  • 43. R. Ochyra: Schistidium halinae (Bryopsida, Grimmiaceae), a new moss species from the Antarctic. "Annales Botanici Fennici" 1999 t. 35 s. 267-273.
  • 44. R. Ochyra: Schistidium leptoneurum species nova from the South Shetland Islands. Antarctica. "Cryptogamie, Bryologie" 2004 t. 2 s. 125 130.
  • 45. R. Ochyra: Schistidium lewis-smithii (Bryopsida, Grimmiaceae), a new species .from the maritime Antarctic. "Nova I Hedwigia" 2003 t. 77 s. 363-372.
  • 46. R. Ochyra: Schistidium steerei (Grimmiaceae), a remarkable new species from the Antarctic, with a note on S. obtusifolium. "Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden" 1987 t. 45 s. 607-614.
  • 47. R. Ochyra: Revision of the moss genus Sciaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. II. The section Limbidium Dusen, with a description of Vittia gen. nov. (Vittiaceae fam. nov.). "Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory" 1987 t. 57 s. 127-137.
  • 48. R. Ochyra: Antipodal mosses. VIII. Valdonia gen. nov. (Seligeriaceae.) from the Kerguelen Province in the Subantarctic. "Cryptogamie. Bryologie" 2003 t. 24 s. 87-102.
  • 49. R. Ochyra; The moss flora of King George Island Antarctica. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Cracow 1998 ss. XXIV + 278.
  • 50. H. Bednarek - Ochyra, J. Váňa, R. Ochyra, R. I. Lewis Smith The liverwort flora of Antarctica. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Cracow 2000 ss. VIII+238.
  • 51. R. Ochyra, H. Bednarek - Ochyra. R. I. Lewis - Smith: 170 years of research of the Antarctic moss flora, [w:] P. Głowacki, J. Bednarek (red.): Polish Polar Studies. 25th International Polar Symposium The 100th anniversary of Prof. Henryk Arctowski's and Prof. Antoni Bolesław Dobrowolski`s participation in the Belgica expedition to the Antarctic in 1887-1889 [sic]. Committee on Polar Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polar Club of the Polish Geographical Society. Warszawa 1998 s. 159-177.
  • 52. R. Ochyra, R. I. Lewis Smith. H.Bednarek - Ochyra : The illustrated moss flora of Antarctica. dz. cyt.
  • 53. R. Ochyra: The Jill Smythies Award for 2009. "Field Bryology" 2009 t. 98 s. 62.
  • 54. G Szarek: Heavy metal content in mosses from Antarctica. [w:] K. Zarzycki. U. Korzeniak (red.): Research Progress Report (1988-1990). W Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences. "Polish Botanical Studies - Guidebook Series" 1990 nr l s. 72.
  • 55. A. Barcikowski, P. M. Loro: Changes in chlorophyll content through the year in selected species of mosses on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, maritime Antarctic. "Polish Polar Research" 1999 [wyd. 2000] t. 20 nr 3 s. 291-299.
  • 56. A. Barcikowski, J. Gurtowska: Studies on the biomass of selected species of Antarctic mosses on King George Islands, South Shetland Island, Antarctica. "Polish Polar Research" 1999 [wyd. 2000] t. 20 nr 3 s. 283-290.
  • 57. J. W. Mietelski, M. A. Olech, K. Sobiech - Matura. B. J. Howard. P. Gaca, M. Zwolak, S. Błażej, E. Tomankiewicz: '"137Cs, 40K,238Pu, 239+240Pu and 90Sr in biological samples from King George Island (Southern Shetlands) in Antarctica. "Polar Biology" 2008 t. 31 s. 1081-1089; P. Osyczka, E. M. Dutkiewicz, M. Olech: Trace elements concentrations in selected moss and lichen species collected within Antarctic research stations. "Polish Journal of Ecology" 2007 t. 55 nr l s. 39-48.
  • 58. J. Zabawski, J. Piasecki: Studia nad mikroflorą glebową Wyspy King George (Południowe Szetlandy). [w:] Materiały Ogólnopolskiego Seminarium nt. "Mikrobiologiczne przemiany związków azotowych w różnych warunkach ekologicznych", Puławy-3-5 V 1981. IUNG Puławy 1981 t. 2 s. 131-138.
  • 59. B. Kawecka: Endangered taxa on the "Red List" in the diatom flora of the streams of high mountain ranges, in Lapland and Antarctica. [w:] Ye. V. Likhoshway, R. M. Crawford (red.): 19th International Diatom Symposium, 28 August-3 Septemher 2006 Listvyanka, Russia. Abstract book. V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk 2006 s. 70; B. Kawecka, M. Olech: Diatom diversity of streams in Finnish Lapland and maritime Antarctica. [w:] M. Poulin (red.): Seventeenth International Diatom Symposium 2002, Ottawa, Canada. Biopress Limited, Bristol 2004 s. 161- 186; M. Luścińska, A. Kyć: Algae: inhabiting creeks of the region of "H. Arctowski" Polish Antarctic Station, King George- Island, South Shetlands. ,,Polish Polar Research" 1993 [wyd. 1995] t. 14 nr 4 s. 393 405; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Aerophytic algae of Antarctica. [w:] M. Olech (red.): Proceedings of the International Workshop "Antarctic Research on Taxonomy and Ecology of Algae". Cracow, Poland -1st to 3rd October1996. Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Cracow 1996 s. 12; A, Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Algae growth from the soil of the Antarctic glacial moraines King George Island, South Shetlands. Antarctica. Antarctic communities. species, structure and survival. [w:] XVI Biology SCAR Symp., Venice 1994 Poster Abstr. s. 177: A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Algae occurring iii the vicinity of power plant at H. Arctowski Station, King George Island, Antarctica. [w:] Abstracts Sixth International Phycological Congresx Leiden (Netherlands). Leiden 1997 s. 70; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Interesting, soil algae from West Antarctica. "New Zealand Natural Science" 23 Supplement (VII SCAR International Biology Symposium ., Antarctic ecosystem: models for wider ecological understanding 31 August 4 September 1998. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand" Abstrakt handbook) 1998 s. 121;A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Zielenice występujące w pobliżu elektrowni na terenie Stacji im. H. Arctowskiego (Antarktyka). [w:] XV Sympozjum Fykologiczne, Lublin - Krasnogród - Zwierzyniec 10-12 maja 1996. Lublin 1996 s. 30; T. Mrozińska, J. Czerwik - Marcinkowska, J. Smykla: Algae and cyanophytes from soil and freshwater habitats in Admiralty Bay on King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. [w:] L. Burchardt (red.): Proceedings of the 25th International Phycological Conference ,,Algae and their changes over time. Glony i ich zmiany w czasie ". Poznań-Łagów-Słubice 16-l9th May 2006. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Faculty of Biology - Department of Hydrobiology. Poznań 2006 s. 79-80; T. Mrozińska, J. Czerwik - Marcinkowska. J. Smykla: Desmids and associating algae of terrestrial small water bodies in the Admiralty Bay area (King George Island, Maritime Antarctic). "Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies" 2007 t. 36 Supplement l s. l -10; T. Mrozińska, M. Olech. A. Massalski: Algae of ponds and a stream on moraines of the Ecology Glacier (King George Island. South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). [w:] M. Olech (red.): Proceedings of the International Workshop "Antarctic Research on Taxonomy and Ecology of Algae "... dz. cyt. s. 14; T. Mrozińska, M. Olech, A. Massalski: Algae of ponds and a stream on moraines of Ecology Glacier (King George Island. South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). ,,Nova Hedwigia" 1998 t. 67 nr 1-2 s. 169-188; M. Olech, T. Mrozińska, A. Massalski: Aerofityczne glony Antarktyki. [w:] Konferencja poświęcona pamięci Prof. Zdzisława Czeppego. (Środowisko przyrodnicze Ziemi Południowego Przylądka na Spitsbergenie) Kraków. 21. 05. 1994. Kraków 1994 w. 53; M. Olech, A. Massalski. T. Mrozińska: Interesting algae occurring near Henryk Arctowski Station (Antarctica). [w:] XVIII Sympozjum Sekcji Fykologicznej PTB. Kielce- Wólka Milanowska. 6-9 maja 1999, Abstr. Kielce 1999 s. 33; P. Ochwanowski. A. Pociecha: Okrzemki w niektórych antarktycznych słodkowodnych siedliskach w okolicy Stacji Arctowskiega. Diatoms in some Antarctic freshwater habitats near Arctowski Station.[w:] M. Jóźwiak, R. Kozłowski (red.): XXXI Sympozjum Polanie z udziałem gości zagranicznych. Kielce 23 -24 września 2005,,,, Funkcjonowanie obszarów polarnych oraz jego współczesne i reliktowe cechy w krajobrazach " Streszczenia. XXXI Polar Symposium with participation visitors from foreign countries. Kielce 12-14 September 2005. ,,Functioning of polar regions and contemporary and relic features of its landscape". Résumé. Akademia Świętokrzyska im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. Komitet Badań Polarnych PAN w Warszawie. Kraków 2005 s. 101; K. Starmach: Freshwater algae of the Thala Hills oasis (Enderby Land, East Antarctica). "Polish Polar Research" 1995 [wyd. 1997] t. 16 nr 3 4 s. 113-148.
  • 60. B. Kawecka, M. Olech, M. Nowogrodzka - Zagórska: Morphological variability of the diatom Luticola muticopsis (van Heurck) D.G. Mann in the- inland waters of King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Antarctica. "Polish Polar Research" 1996 [wyd. 1997] t. 17 nr 3-4 s. 143-150.
  • 61. T. Mrozińska, M. Olech, A. Massalski: Cysts of Chrysophyceae from King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). "Polish Polar Research" 1998 [wyd. 1999] t. 19 nr 3-4 s 205-210.
  • 62. A. Massalski, I. Kostikov, M. Olech: Mitoza, cytokineza i powstawanie komórek wielojądrowych w Xanthonema cf. exile wyizolowanej z antarktycznej gleby. Mitosis, cytokinesis and multinuclearity development in Xanthonema cf. exile isolated from Antarctic soil. [w:] M. Jóźwiak. R. Kozłowski (red.): XXXI Sympozjum Polarne z udziałem gości zagranicznych ... dz. cyt. s. 85 87; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Ultrastructure of Lobosphaera reniformis (Watanabe) Komárek et Fott (=Chlorellales) from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. ,,Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae" 1994 t. 63 nr 2 s. 205-210; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Electron microscopical studies on Antarctic algae and Cyanophvta. [w:] Abstracts of XXII Symposium on Polar Biology. Tokyo. December 2 and 3, 1999, National Institute of Polar Research. Tokyo 1999 s. 65; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. A. Olech: Ultrastructure of pioneer soil algae from King George Island West Antarctic (Poster). [w:] J. Repelewska - Pękalowa (red.): Polish Polar Studies. 26th International Polar Symposium. The Polish polar research. The 25th Jubilee of the Polar Club of the Polish Geographical Society. Lublin, 18 20 June 1999. Department of Geomorphology oft he Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Polar Club of the Polish Geographical Society, Committee on Polar Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin 1999 s. 369-370: A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Ultrastructure of selected Cyanophyta / Cyanobacteria from King George Island, Antarctica. "Algological Studies" 1999 t. 94 s. 249-259; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Ultrastructural observations on five pioneer soil algae from ice denuded areas (King George Island. West Antarctica). "Polar Bioscience" 2001 t. 14 s. 61-70; A. Massalski. M. Olech: Submikroskopowa budowa wybranych glonów Antarktyki. [w:] Sesja polarna "Rzeźba, współczesne procesy morfo-genetyczne i problemy zmian środowiska obszarów polarnych " (Lublin, 12-13 XII 1997), Streszczenia referatów i komunikatów. Lublin 1997 s. 39; T. Mrozińska, A Massalski, M. Olech: Ultrastructure of Cyanophyta from King George Island, Antarctica. [w:] 14th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, University of Helsinki, Finland, August 17-23, 1998. Abstr. Helsinki 1998 s. 18.
  • 63. I. Kostikov, A. Massalski, M. A. Olech: Taxonomical and ecological studies on the pioneer soil algae from deglaciated areas of maritime Antarctica. Taksonomiczne I ekologiczne badania pionierskich glonów glebowych na terenach odsłoniętych spod lodu Zachodniej Antarktyki. [w:] M. A. Olech (red.): XXIX International Polar Symposium. The functioning of polar ecosystems as viewed against global environmental Cyt. S. 71-73; A. Massalski, T. Mrozińska, M. Olech: Lobococcus irregularis (Boye-Pet) Reisigl var. antarcticus var. nov. (Chlorellales, Chlorophyta) from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, and its ultrastructure. ,,Nova Hedwigia" 1995 t. 61 nr 1-2 s. 199-206.
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  • 65. M. Olech, T Mrozińska, A. Massalski: Kolonizacja glonów na morenach Lodowca Ekologii (Wyspa Króla Jerzego, Południowe Szetlandy, Antarktyka). Algal colonization on the moraines of the Ecology Glacier (King Georges Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica). [w:] Z. Mirek, J. J. Wójcicki (red.): Szata roślinna Polski w procesie przemian. Materiały konferencji i sympozjów 50 Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego Karków 26.06.-01.07.1995. The vegetation of poland in the process of changes. Proceedings of the 50 Congress of the Polish Batanical Society, Kraków 26.06.-01.07.1995. Inst. Bot. Im. W. Szafera Pan, Karków 1995 s. 291.
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