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In this paper we shall consider the nonlinear neutral delay differential equations with variable coefficients. Some new sufficient conditions for oscillation of all solutions are obtained. Our results extend and improve some of the well known results in the literature. Some examples are considered to illustrate our main results. The neutral logistic equation with variable coefficients is considered to give some new sufficient conditions for oscillation of all positive solutions about its positive steady state.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 34 poz.
- Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Matejki 48/4960-769 Poznan, Poland
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Matejki 48/49, 60-769 Poznan, Poland
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