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The results of thermoluminescence dating in the Halych IIC (Ukraine) profile as the expression of the conditions of mineral material deposition

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Many studies conducted in the last few years in Poland indicate that the results of thermo-luminescence dating of loess are reliable and correspond well to their geological ages. They can form the basis for determination of the chronology of changes of palaeoenvironmental conditions. In this paper we report dating results from the Halych IIC profile (Halych Prydnistrov'ja region, Ukraine). Thermoluminescence dating of this profile gives new information about the influence of local condi-tions on the results of TL analysis. As much as 75% of the obtained results are distinctly overestimat-ed, even by several hundred per cent, that is untypical of regional loess profiles. However, in the Halych Prydnistrov'ja region it is the second loess site in which such incompatibility of the expected age and thermoluminescence age is found. This fact indicates how this region is unique among the lo-ess areas of SE Poland and NW Ukraine in respect of the conditions of mineral material transport and deposition. Further investigations are necessary to identify the reasons for regular overestimating of the TL results obtained for loess deposits of the Halych Prydnistrov'ja region.
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Bibliogr. 36 poz., rys.
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