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" The good, the bad, the weird": stone age and early metal period radiocarbon dates and chronology from the Karelian Isthmus, North-West Russia

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In this paper all the Stone Age and Early Metal Period (ca. 8600 cal BC - 300 AD) radio-carbon dates from the Karelian Isthmus, Russia, are compiled and their archaeological usability assessed using a set of evaluation principles. The quality of radiometric dates from such a large area has rarely been methodologically examined in Finnish or North-West Russian archaeology, and is applied here for the first time on the present material. Special attention is given to the discussion on the defi-ciencies and limitations of the current data. Based on the 81 dates evaluated as useful, a tentative ra-diocarbon chronology is presented for the study area. This is generally in sequence with the chronolo-gies of the nearby areas, but suggests some differences especially towards the end of Stone Age, as well as the presence of biases caused by taphonomic and research-related factors.
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Bibliogr. 100 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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