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Zróżnicowanie wilgotności względnej i opadów atmosferycznych w rejonie Forlandsundet (NW Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim 2010

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Differentiation of relative humidity and precipitation in the Forlandsundet region (NW Spitsbergen) in the summer 2010
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono zróżnicowanie wilgotności względnej powietrza oraz opadów atmosferycznych w rejonie Forlandsundet (NW Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim (21 VII - 31 VIII) 2010 roku. Do analizy wzięto cogodzinne dane wilgotności względnej (z 18 stanowisk) oraz sumy opadów atmosferycznych z okresów 1-3 dniowych (z 11 stanowisk). Dla obydwu badanych elementów meteorologicznych stwierdzono znaczne przestrzenne zróżnicowanie ich wartości uwarunkowane rodzajem podłoża, wysokością nad poziom morza, odległością od morza, ekspozycją oraz lokalną cyrkulacją atmosferyczną. Zbadano wpływ cyrkulacji atmosferycznej na wartości wilgotności względnej i opadów atmosferycznych korzystając z kalendarza typów cyrkulacji dla Spitsbergenu.
In the paper some main results concerning spatial differentiation of relative humidity and precipitation in the Forlandsundet region (NW Spitsbergen) in summer season (21 VII - 31 VIII) of 2010 are presented (Table 1, Figs 1-2). For analysis hourly data from 18 and 11 sites, respectively for relative humidity and precipitation have been used. Relative humidity was measured using automatic weather stations Davis Ventage Pro2 and MadgeTech sensors. On the other hand, for measurements of precipitation Hellmanns' ombrometers and automatic weather stations Davis Ventage Pro2 have been utilised. Large spatial differences of relative humidity and precipitation noted in the study area were influenced by different factors, e.g. character of ground, altitude above sea level, distance from the sea coast, exposition to the sun and incoming air masses, and local atmospheric circulation. Highest mean values of relative humidity (94.6%) occurred at the site surrounded by the sea (Sarstangen Peninsula, SAT), while the lowest one (86.4%) at the site located 200 m from the Waldemar Glacier termini (ATA) (Table 3, Fig. 3). The first half of the day saw highest values of relative humidity than the second one (Fig. 4). The reason of this may be explained by the opposite daily course of air temperature. Daily courses are getting more and more clear in line with decreasing value of cloudi-ness (Fig. 5). In the Forlandsunet region most frequent were air masses which can be described as humid and very humid. Days with moderate dry and dry air were noted very rarely (Fig. 6). Relative humidity shows usually very high and statistically significant correlation between data from the analysed sites (Table 3). Weak and not statistically significant correlations (r < 0.3) were calculated only between the following pair of sites SAT-PH2 and SJ1-PH2. In the summer 2010 the lowest total of precipitation (8.5 mm) in the KH station, out of all Toruń Polar Expeditions since 1975, have been observed (Table 4). In the firn part of the Waldemar Glacier seasonal total of precipitation was 3-4 times greater than in sites located on coastal plains. In the Kaffioyra Plain and Waldemar Glacier region vertical lapse rate was twofold greater between KH and LW1 than between KH and LW2 (14.7 and 7.7 mm/100m, respectively). In the entire study area, highest summer total of precipitation occurred in the middle part of the Prins Karls Forland island. Relationships between atmospheric circulation and relative humidity as well as precipitation were investigated using data from the KH station and calendar of daily synoptic types for Spitsbergen constructed by Tadeusz Niedźwiedź (Table 5). The most humid conditions in the summer 2010 were observed during inflow of air masses from south-western direction (6.6% above summer mean), while most dry air (-9.7%) - from the north-eastern direction. Similar relationships have been found for precipitation. Analysis of relationships occurring between direction of winds and relative humidity data confirms also the above results. Highest values of relative humidity (>90%) were observed during winds inflowing from the southern sector, while the lowest ones - from the north-eastern direction (Fig. 7).
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 40 poz., rys., tab.
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