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Zlodzenie Hornsundu i jego przedpola (SW Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2007/2008

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Ice conditions in Hornsund and its foreshore (SW Spitsbergen) during winter season 2007/2008
Języki publikacji
W sezonie zimowym 2007/2008 przebieg zlodzenia Hornsundu był odmienny od przeciętnego. Od października do lutego średnia miesięczna temperatura powietrza była o 2,6–6,1 deg wyższa, a w marcu o 2,5 deg niższa od średniej klimatycznej (1978-2006). Ujemna temperatura wody powierzchniowej przy brzegu Isbjorn-hamny występowała od 29 X 2007 do 20 V 2008 r. Najniższe (–1,9°C) wartości temperatury wody mierzono od trzeciej dekady listopada 2007 r. do końca kwietnia 2008 r. Latem i jesienią (VIII-X) 2007 r. dochodziło do inten-sywnego obłamywania się lodu lodowcowego, który okresowo tworzył zwarte skupienia growlerów i gruzu lodow-cowego wzdłuż brzegu. W Isbjornhamnie pierwszy okres tworzenia się lodu morskiego miał miejsce między 31 października a 12 grudnia 2007 r. (lepa lodowa, krążki lodowe), drugi – od 26 grudnia 2007 r. do 22 maja 2008 r. Na przedpolu Hornsundu dryfujący lód allochtoniczny pojawił się w pierwszych dniach grudnia 2007 r. Od połowy lutego do trzeciej dekady kwietnia prawie cała powierzchnia Hornsundu pokryta była lodem dryfującym o zmiennej zwartości. Na osiowej partii fiordu lód autochtoniczny zanikł po 28 kwietnia 2008 r. Maksymalna wysokość wału lodu nabrzegowego w Isbjornhamnie osiągnęła 2,5 m.
This article presents the development of sea ice cover in the waters of central and western part of the Hornsund Fjord, as well as in its foreshore during winter season 2007-2008. Due to long lasting (November-February) high air temperatures (Fig. 2-3) the sea ice cover development of Hornsund was different from the average one. Significant decrease in air temperature was observed in March (mean monthly –13.4°C) and April (mean monthly –9.3°C). In such thermal conditions the maximum thickness of sea ice which might have been formed in the outer, sheltered from high seas areas of the fjord, estimated with the help of Zubov formula, could reach 41cm in January, 52cm in February, 71cm in March, up to 82–84cm in the period from April to May 2008 (Tab. 1). In summer and autumn (August-October) 2007 only brash glacier ice and small icebergs broken off the glaciers endings on the sea in Hornsund drifted in the waters of the fjord. At this time brash glacier ice and growlers broken off the Hans Glacier periodically concentrated densely along the coast of Isbjorhamna. The first forms of new ice (slush and grease ice as well as shuga) were observed close to the west coast of Isbjornhamna from 31th October till 12rd December (Fig. 8). The second period of sea ice formation started on 26th December. Not sooner than in the middle of March when severe frost was noted, a permanent ice cover was formed (young ice). Fast ice was only observed in the internal waters of Hornsund, in the Brepollen, Burgerbukta, Samarinvagen, Adria and Isbjornhamna bays. From the first decade of February till the 3th July the ice cover of Hornsund experienced large fluctuations (Fig. 11-12, 14-17). During that period the entire area of Hornsund was covered with sea ice a few times. The first this phenomenon was noted from 7th till 20th February 2008 when the allochtonic ice drifting in the waters of the Sorkapp Current entered western and central part of the fjord and when the central and inner parts were covered with ice formed in situ (Fig. 11-12). The second this phenomenon was noted from the third decade of March till the end of April when the all surface of Hornsund were covered autochthonous ice. On the western and central part of the fjord this was young ice and nilas. In the internal waters of Hornsund was observed first-year ice (Fig. 14-15). This sea ice cover was several times destroyed by very strong east winds causing that most of ice was moved outside the fjord. At the end of April strong E and SE winds caused ice removal from the axial part of Hornsund. Later, apart from three short episodes (5-8 May, 15-22 May and 1-9 July) when strips of allochtonic ice entered west and central part of the fjord (Fig. 16-17), only single floes of broken-off the fast ice from Brepollen, Burgerbukta and Samarinvagen drifted in the waters of Hornsund. The ice season 2007-2008 ended on 9th July when the last floes of very rotten ice were observed drifting from the inside of the fjord with the tidal stream to its foreshore.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys., tab.
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