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Porównanie przebiegu temperatury powietrza w Petuniabukta i Svalbard-Lufthavn (Isfjord, Spitsbergen) w latach 2001-2003

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Comparison of the course od air temperature in Petuniabukta and Svalbard-Lufthavn (Isfjord, Spitsbergen) in the years 2001-2003)
Języki publikacji
W pracy porównano dobowe wartości temperatury powietrza mierzonej w okresie 7 VII 2001 – 13 VIII 2003 roku w Petuniabukta położonej w głębi Billefjorden i Svalbard-Lufthavn leżącym na południowym brzegu Isfjordu. Średnia miesięczna temperatura latem (VI–VIII) jest w Petuniabukta o 1 deg wyższa, a zimą (XI–IV) o około 3 deg niższa niż w Svalbard-Lufthavn. W sezonach zimowych średnie dobowe wartości temperatury w Petuniabukta są przeciętnie o 2–4 deg niższe niż w Svalbard-Lufthavn, a latem o 1–2 deg wyższe.
This work presents values of daily air temperature measured in the period 7th July 2001 – 13th August 2003 in Petuniabukta located inside Billefjorden and in Svalbard-Lufthavn located at the southern coast of Isfjord. Mean monthly temperature in summer (June-August) in Petuniabukta was found to be 1deg higher and in winter (November – April) about 3deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn (Tab.1). During winter seasons mean daily temperatures in Petuniabukta are about 2–4deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn and in summer 1–2deg higher (Fig.6). The transition periods are characterized by great differences in temperatures. At the beginning of autumn, in September, thermal conditions in NE (Skottehytta) and S (Svalbard-Lufthavn) part of Isfjord are similar, later, the shorter the day is, the colder the inside of the Billefjorden becomes. In October the temperature at Skottehytta was already 1deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn. In May 2002 it was 2.1deg warmer at Svalbard-Lufthavn and in 2003 it was 2.6deg warmer at Petuniabukta. Taking into consideration similar ice conditions observed during these two years in May both in the vicinity of the station and in the foreshore of the Isfjord, the observed differences in thermal conditions must be attributed to changes in cloudiness and to advection factor. In individual months significant differences in temperatures are noted at both stations. The greatest differences in temperatures between stations are observed from January to April (Tab.3, Fig.3 and 4). During the analyzed period the strongest correlations were noted in the months of the latter part of the year, i.e. from September to December (r >0.9) and the weakest were found in June (Tab.2, Fig.7). 134
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys., tab.
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