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Porównanie warunków klimatycznych i bioklimatycznych północnej części Ziemi Oscara II z innymi obszarami zachodniego wybrzeża Spitsbergenu w okresie 1875-2000

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Comparison of climatic and bioklimatic conditions in the northern part of Oscar II Land with other areas of the west coast of Spitsbergen from 1975-2000
Języki publikacji
W artykule porównano warunki klimatyczne i bioklimatyczne N części Ziemi Oskara II z innymi obszarami zachodniego wybrzeża Spitsbergenu w okresie 1975-2000. Klimat Ziemi Oskara II przedstawiono na podstawie danych meteorologicznych ze stacji Ny Alesund. Klimat centralnej i południowej części zachodniego wybrzeża Spitsbergenu reprezentują odpowiednio stacje: Svalbard-Lufthavn i Hornsund. Dla wymienionych obszarów obliczono i przeanalizowano różnice pomiędzy średnimi miesięcznymi i rocznymi wartościami wybranych elementów meteorologicznych (wiatr, zachmurzenie, temperatura i wilgotność powietrza oraz opady atmosferyczne) i wskaźników biometeorologicznych (niedosyt fizjologiczny, wielkość ochładzająca powietrza, wskaźnik ochładzania wiatrem, temperatura ochładzania wiatrem, przewidywana izolacyjność odzieży).
The paper describes the climate and bioclimate of the tundra zone in the northern part of Oscar II Land (the area from Jonsfiorden to Kongsfiorden) from 1975 to 2000. A comparison with the climate and bioclimate of other parts of the west coast of Spitsbergen is also presented. For the analysis, meteorological data from three stations (Ny Alesund, Svalbard Lufthavn and Hornsund) were used (Fig. 1). Significant differentiation of climatic conditions on the west coast of Spitsbergen was found (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Wind direction and speed was strongly modified by the local topographic conditions. For this reason, the lowest mean annual wind speed (by 1.2 to 1.7 m/s) of the three analysed stations, was in Ny Alesund. The degree of cloudiness was similar at Ny Alesund and Svalbard Lufthavn, while at Hornsund it was greater by about 6%. Mean annual air temperature at Ny Alesund is slightly higher (by 0.1°C) than at Svalbard Lufthavn and significantly lower (by 1.1°C) than at Hornsund. In the annual course, in comparison with the central part of the west coast, the northern part of Oscar II Land is markedly warmer in winter (on average by 1.0°C) and significantly colder in summer (by 1.0°C). An opposite relationship may be noted when comparison is made with the southern part of Spitsbergen. The greatest values of relative humidity occur in the southern and northern parts of Spitsbergen, while in the central part of the western coast their values are smaller (in particular in summer). Atmospheric precipitation was twice as low in the central part of the western coast of Spitsbergen as it was in its northern and southern parts. Differences in bioclimatic conditions were found on the west coast of Spitsbergen (Table 2, Fig. 3). To establish their characteristics, a number of biometeorological and thermophysiological indices were used. These enabled the estimation of the sensations of heat in humans standing outdoors in this part of Spitsbergen. Analysis of the physiological deficit (D) values on the west coast of Spitsbergen indicate that water evaporation from the human upper respiratory tract during the whole year is high. The cooling power (H) shows significant differences between different parts of western Spitsbergen. The mean number of days per year with thermal comfort for humans oscillated between 11 at Svalbard Lufthavn and 18 at Hornsund to 42 at Ny Alesund. On the other hand, days with cold discomfort were most frequent in central (277) and southern (271) parts of Spitsbergen, while in the northern part they rarely occurred (only 217). The best thermal sensations (described as 'cool') according to the wind chill index (WCI) occur from June to September at all stations, and also in May at Ny Alesund. In the other months conditions described as 'cold' were noted over the entire area. Days with a possibility of frostbite were noted with an annual average frequency of about 10 at Ny Alesund and 25 at Svalbard Lufthavn and Hornsund. The wind chill temperature (WCT) throughout the west coast of Spitsbergen shows the dominance of moderate sensations of cold from November to April. During the summer months (July and August) sensations of 'cold' did not occur. The insulation predicted index (Iclp) was used to estimate the bioclimate of Spitsbergen from the point of view of an individual's need for clothes to obtain thermal comfort. The index was calculated for a standing man and a man who is walking at a speed of 4km/h. Its values for the standing individual oscillated from 4.35 clo at Hornsund to about 4.49 clo at Svalbard Lufthavn. On the other hand, for the walker, clothes would need half the thermal insulation level to obtain thermal comfort.
Opis fizyczny
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  • Zakład Klimatologii, Instytut Geografii UMK, Toruń ul. Danielewskiego 6, 87–100 Toruń
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