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On nonlocal gradient model of inelastic heterogeneous media

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Nielokalny model gradientowy niesprężystych ośrodków heterogenicznych
Języki publikacji
The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of nonlocality on the physical and material field equations of heterogeneous media. Taking into account that plastic deformations in metals or damage in brittle and ductile materials are governed by physical mechanisms observed on levels with different lengthscales, we introduce a 6-dimensional kinematical concept with two locally defined vectors to model the material behaviour on a macro- and meso- or microlevel. Using a variational procedure the physical and material balance laws, boundary and transversality conditions are derived for macrp- and microdeformations of heterogeneous media. The disspation inquality including relaxation terms for transport processes is presented. The constitutive equations are formulated with macro- and microstrain measures, their gradients and time rates, and the anisotropy tensor as arguments, where the latter can be considered as a coupling measure between the deformed macrostates with compatible microstates. The model presented in this paper delivers a framework, which enables one to derive various nonlocal and gradient theories by introducing simplifying assumptions. As the special case a solid-void model is considered.
Celem pracy jest zbadanie wpływu nielokalności na fizyczne i materialne równania pola ośrodków heterogenicznych. Biorąc pod uwagę, że plastyczna deformacja w metalach lub zniszczenie w kruchych i ciągliwych materiałach rządzone są przez fizyczne mechanizmy na różnych poziomach skali, wprowadzono 6-wymiarową strukturę z dwoma lokalnie zdefiniowanymi wektorami do modelowania materialnego zachowania ośrodka na poziomie makro- i mezo- lub mikroskali. Wykorzystując wariacyjną procedurę otrzymano fizyczne i materialne prawa bilansu, warunki brzegowe i transwersalność dla makro- i mikrodeformacji ośrodków heterogenicznych. Przedstawiona nierówność dyssypacyjna zawiera człony relaksacyjne procesów transportu. Sformułowane równania konstytutywne wyrażono przy pomocy miar makro- i mikroodkształcenia, ich gradientów i przyrostów oraz tensora anizotropii, gdzie ostatni argument może być traktowany jako miara sprzężenia pomiędzy odkształconymi makrostanami i kompatybilnymi mikrostanami. Przedstawiony w pracy model dostarcza podstaw, które poprzez wprowadzenie uproszczających założeń umożliwiają otrzymanie różnych postaci nielokalnych i gradientowych teorii. Jako przypadek szczególny rozpatrzono model typu ciało stałe-pustka.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 65 poz., rys.
  • Lehrstuhl fur Allgemeine Mechanik, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany
  • Institułe of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk
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  • 61. TOUPIN R.A., 1962, Elastic materials with couple-stresses, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal, 11, 385-414
  • 44. NiLSSON C, 1998, On nonlocal rate-independent plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 14, 551-575
  • 45. NOWACKI W., 1986, Theory of Asymmetńc Elasticity, Pergamon Press, Oxford/PWN, Warsaw
  • 46. PAG ANO S., ALART P., 1999, Solid-solid phase transition modelling: relaxation procedures, configurational energies and thermomechanical behaviours, Int. J. Engng Sci, 37, 1821-1840
  • 47. PAGANO S., ALART P., MAISONNEUVE O., 1998, Solid-solid phase transition. Local and global minimization of non-convex and related potentials. Isothermal case for shape memory alloys, Int. J. Engng Sci., 36, 1143-1172
  • 48. PEIERLS R.E., 1940, The size of a dislocation, Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond., 52, 14
  • 49. RAKOTOMAMANA R., 2001. Connecting mesoscopic and macroscopic scalę leng-ths for ultrasonic wave characterization of micro-cracked materiał, Math. Mech. Solids, (in the review procedurę)
  • 50. RiCE J.R., 1968, A path independent integral and the approximate analysis of strain concentration by notches and cracks, J. Appl. Mech., 35, 379-386
  • 51. ROEHL D., RAMM E., 1996, Large elasto-plastic finite element analysis of solids and shells with the enhanced assumed strain concept, Int. J. Solids Struct., 33, 3215-3237
  • 52. ROGULA D., 1973, On nonlocal continuum theories of elasticity, Arch. Mech., 25, 233-251
  • 53. RUND H., 1966, The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in the Calculus of Variations, D. Van Nostrand, London
  • 54. SACZUK J., STUMPF H., VALLEE, C, 2001, A Continuum model accounting for defect and mass densities in solids with inelastic materiał behaviour, Int. J. Solids Struct, (in print)
  • 55. SCHIECK B., SMOLEŃSKI W.M., STUMPF H., 1999, A shell finite element for large strain elastoplasticity with anisotropies. Part I: Shell theory and variatio-nal principle. Part II: Constitutive eąuations and numerical applications, Int. J. Solids Struci, 36, 5399-5424; 5425-5451
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  • 58. STOUT R.B., 1981, Modelling the deformations and thermodynamics for ma-terials involving a dislocation kinetics, Crystal Lattice Defects, 9, 65-91
  • 59. STUMPF H., SACZUK J., 2000, A generalized model of oriented continuum with defects, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 80, 147-169
  • 60. STUMPF H., SACZUK J., 2001, On a generał concept for the analysis of crack growth and materiał damage, Int. J. Plasticity, 17, 991-1028
  • 61. TOUPIN R.A., 1962, Elastic materials with couple-stresses, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal, 11, 385-414
  • 44. NiLSSON C, 1998, On nonlocal rate-independent plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 14, 551-575
  • 45. NOWACKI W., 1986, Theory of Asymmetńc Elasticity, Pergamon Press, Oxford/PWN, Warsaw
  • 46. PAG ANO S., ALART P., 1999, Solid-solid phase transition modelling: relaxation procedures, configurational energies and thermomechanical behaviours, Int. J. Engng Sci, 37, 1821-1840
  • 47. PAGANO S., ALART P., MAISONNEUVE O., 1998, Solid-solid phase transition. Local and global minimization of non-convex and related potentials. Isothermal case for shape memory alloys, Int. J. Engng Sci., 36, 1143-1172
  • 48. PEIERLS R.E., 1940, The size of a dislocation, Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond., 52, 14
  • 49. RAKOTOMAMANA R., 2001. Connecting mesoscopic and macroscopic scalę leng-ths for ultrasonic wave characterization of micro-cracked materiał, Math. Mech. Solids, (in the review procedurę)
  • 50. RiCE J.R., 1968, A path independent integral and the approximate analysis of strain concentration by notches and cracks, J. Appl. Mech., 35, 379-386
  • 51. ROEHL D., RAMM E., 1996, Large elasto-plastic finite element analysis of solids and shells with the enhanced assumed strain concept, Int. J. Solids Struct., 33, 3215-3237
  • 52. ROGULA D., 1973, On nonlocal continuum theories of elasticity, Arch. Mech., 25, 233-251
  • 53. RUND H., 1966, The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in the Calculus of Variations, D. Van Nostrand, London
  • 54. SACZUK J., STUMPF H., VALLEE, C, 2001, A Continuum model accounting for defect and mass densities in solids with inelastic materiał behaviour, Int. J. Solids Struct, (in print)
  • 55. SCHIECK B., SMOLEŃSKI W.M., STUMPF H., 1999, A shell finite element for large strain elastoplasticity with anisotropies. Part I: Shell theory and variatio-nal principle. Part II: Constitutive eąuations and numerical applications, Int. J. Solids Struci, 36, 5399-5424; 5425-5451
  • 56. SIENIUTYCZ S., 1981a, Thermodynamics of coupled heat, mass and momentum transport with finite wave speed. I - Basic ideas of theory, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 24, 1723-1732
  • 57. SIENIUTYCZ S., 1981b, Thermodynamics of coupled heat, mass and momentum transport with finite wave speed. II - Examples of transformations of fluxes and forces, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 24, 1759-1769
  • 58. STOUT R.B., 1981, Modelling the deformations and thermodynamics for ma-terials involving a dislocation kinetics, Crystal Lattice Defects, 9, 65-91
  • 59. STUMPF H., SACZUK J., 2000, A generalized model of oriented continuum with defects, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 80, 147-169
  • 60. STUMPF H., SACZUK J., 2001, On a generał concept for the analysis of crack growth and materiał damage, Int. J. Plasticity, 17, 991-1028
  • 61. TOUPIN R.A., 1962, Elastic materials with couple-stresses, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal, 11, 385-414
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