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Klasyfikacja konturów znaczników z wykorzystaniem miary zmienności na obrazie z sonaru sektorowego

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Classification of marker's contours using a measure of variability on a sector-scan sonar image
Języki publikacji
Podstawowym problemem przy wykonywaniu mozaiki z obrazów z sonaru sektorowego jest właściwe ułożenie obrazów względem siebie. Do tego celu trzeba wykorzystać systemy podwodnego pozycjonowania lub dopasować obrazy względem siebie na podstawie punktów charakterystycznych. Ze względu na to, że punkty charakterystyczne czasami nie występują, można tworzyć je sztucznie poprzez umieszczenie na dnie specjalnych znaczników. W artykule przedstawiono metodę klasyfikacji konturu znacznika w kształcie trójkąta. Przy czym, dzięki wykorzystaniu miary zmienności w klasyfikacji, brany jest pod uwagę stopień zniekształcenia obrazu znacznika.
Image from the sector-scan sonar has a limited range. The most often it is not possible to obtain an image of the whole interesting area in one single sounding. It is necessary to make multiple soundings. To obtain a uniform image of the whole area, the composition of multiple soundings’ images called mosaic, is needed. In creating the mosaic, one problem occurs. It is its positioning in relation to each other. In standard equipment of the sector-scan sonar, the system of positioning in relation to the reference point cannot be found. In general, it is only possible to state the direction to north, on the basis of the embedded compass. The systems of more accurate positioning of sonar in relation to the reference point are very expensive, more costly than the sonar itself. In cheaper solutions, the position is stated on the basis of positioning systems mounted on the ship. Considering the fact that the sector-scan sonar does not have a fixed position in relation to the ship, the positioning of that kind is far from accuracy, to far to perform the automated mosaic creation. In cheap solutions, the automated creation of the mosaic needs the searching of reference points which can be used to "positioning", on images. Prof. Stateczny proposed to use the markers as landmarks. The marker is mounted on the stick which is set into the bottom in shallower waters and lowered on the line in the deeper water. Considering the big distortions of sonar images, the markers should be simple geometric figures, e.g. the equilateral triangle. The problem of finding such a marker is brought to the problem of finding the equilateral triangle on the image. Such a triangle will be, of course, distorted, because the sonar image is the projection from the 3D-space to the 2D-space. However, the distortion of that kind could be easily removed basing on the data attached to the line of sonar image. Much bigger problem is the noise distortion which does not have the fixed form. It depends on many factors. So, in some situations, the same object which resembles the triangle could be classified as the marker, if the noise distortions will be considerable, and not classified when the distortions are small. Such problem can be solved by using the measure of variability in the classification. It will be the main topic of the article.
Opis fizyczny
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