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Purpose: This paper presents the results of studies on the effect of silicon content in alphinising bath on the thickness of diffusion layer "g1" and of coating "g" produced by immersion on the grey cast iron, grade EN-GJL-250. The temperature of alphinising bath was 750 ± 5°C, and the time of holding the cast iron insert was ζ=180s. Design/methodology/approach: It has been proved that in the bath of commercially pure aluminium and of AlSi1,5 alloy, the diffusion layer and coating produced on grey cast iron are of the highest thickness, comprised in a range of g1=40 ÷ 50µm and g = 220 ÷ 230µm., respectively. The diffusion layer produced in these baths is characterised by a compact, columnar structure of the Al3Fe phase. Findings: An increase in silicon concentration in the alphinising bath to about 11% changes the structure of diffusion layer into the faceted one and makes other phases appear as well. Right on the surface of the cast iron insert, the Fe4CSi carbide is present, followed by the Al12Fe3Si2 phase, on which the Al9Fe3Si2 phase is superimposed. Raising further silicon concentration in bath to a level well above 11% Si, i.e. to about 17% Si, does not change the phase constitution of the diffusion layer. What it causes is only a fragmentation (breaking of continuity) of the layer, thus making it useless in the process of producing a layered casting. An increase in silicon concentration in the alphinising bath in a range of 7 ÷ 17% Si reduces the thickness of diffusion layer in a range of g1=38 ÷ 22µm and that of coating in a range of g=155 ÷ 92 µm. It is supposed that the decrease in thickness of the diffusion layer and of coating with the increasing concentration of silicon in alphinising bath is due to a reduced rate of the reactive diffusion. Originality/value: This is an immediate effect of the enlarged number of silicon atoms and of the presence of the precipitates of primary silicon crystals adhering to the surface of cast iron insert. The reason of occurrence of a monophase structure in the diffusion layer produced in aluminium bath or in bath of AlSi1,5 is the lack of silicon atoms or low concentration of this element in the region of the surface layer dissolved on cast iron insert.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 13 poz., il., wykr.
- Chair of Materials Engineering and Production Systems, Technical University of Łódź ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Łódź, Poland, pietrowski@p.lodz.pl
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