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Fifth Symposjum on Image Processing Technology (TPO 2006) ; (5 ; 21-23.11.2006 ; Serock, Poland)
Języki publikacji
This paper presents the results of our research aimed at obtaining new methods for increasing resolution of digital images giving better visual results. Classification of these methods and implementation of some algorithms is also shortly presented here. The main part of the paper presents modification and development of the new methods. Main new feature, which we added to the interpolation algorithms, consists in taking into consideration in the final image (i.e., after interpolation at high resolution) the edges detected in the original image (i.e., before interpolation). Summing an image and its properly processed edges in the interpolation process enables us to get final image characterized by better sharpness with simultaneous precise presentation of the image details interpolated to higher resolution.
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Bibliogr. 9 poz., tab.
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