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MCT sensor readout devices with charge current injection and preliminary signal treatment : testing procedure

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Silicon read-out devices with input direct injection and buffered direct injection circuits and charge coupled devices (CCD) multiplexers to be used with n+ -p photovoltaic (PV) multielement arrays were designed, manufactured, and tested at T=77-300 K. Into these readout devices testing switches were incorporated which attach the sources of direct injection transistors to the common load resistors to imitate the output signal of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) photodiodes. The silicon readout devices for 2x4x128(144) arrays [two sets of 128 or 144 lines (channels) with four pixels in row] in which time delay and integration (TDI) is performed with skimming and partitioning functions, were manufactured by n-channel MOS technology with buried channel CCD register. The designed CCD readout devices are driven with four- or two-phase clock pulses. The amount of charge, which can be stored in the readout device, depends on the mode used. Without skimming and partitioning modes it is 2.4 pC per channel at an output signal of about 5V. With partitioning mode included it is about 6.4 pC, and it is about 10.0 pC with skimming and partition\ing modes switched on. Different operating modes depending on the application purposes can be selected taking into account programmable integration time, possible operation with and without TDI function, availability of skimming level and partitioning factor, etc.
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Identyfikator YADDA
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