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Far infrared photoelectric phenomenain gapless Hg1-xCdxTe

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Photoelectric phenomena in the gapless Hg₁-xCdxTe (x=0.04 - 0.16) are usually dependent on the effect of electron mobolity variation (e. g., u-photoconductivity). This article shows that considerable increase in internal photoeffect in the Hg₁-xCdxTe (x=0.04 - 0.16) can be obtained with application of external actions which induce production of energy gap and recombination processes occur. It is proved by the study of the Hall effect and photo-Hall effect, photoconductivity and photoelectromagnetic voltage at highly enough magnetic uniaxial compression. The induced energy gap is rather wide tuned, from zero up to 0.05 eV. IR irradiation excites a photoconductivity which is sharply intensfield for certain magnitudes of the magnetic field or uniaxial elestic deformation. Photoconductivity and photoelectromagnetic voltage oscillations of very high amplitude are observed within the quantum limit region of the magnetic fields. It is due to perculiar features of recombination where the longitudinal optical phonos are involved. Millimetre radiation photoconductivity exhibits the giant surge which is caused by variations in the electron concentration but not the electron mobility.
  • Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 45 Prospekt Nauki, 252650 Kiev, Ukraine
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