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French-Polish Seminar of Mechanics (19 ; 8-11.06. 2011 ; Perpignan, France)
Języki publikacji
The energy resources diversification has been increased with the energy crisis, in particular, therenewable energies and optimal management have become essential in the context of sustainable development. The conventional auto-thermal gasification processes burn part of the carbonaceous compound inorder to supply the energy necessary to enhance gasification reactions. Solar gasification seems to be agreat solution in order to produce gaseous fuels, in which carbonaceous compounds are used exclusively as the carbon source, and the solar heat is used as the energy source for the endothermic reactions. This energy could be provided as well by a nuclear reactor of IV generation.The fuel produced in this process is a high quality syngas, which is applicable for Fischer-Tropschprocess or for power generation in fuel cells. The most important advantage of solar biomass gasification is that they are available sources in wide areas, promoting energy independence and renewable energies.Using hydrogen as energy vector reduces carbon dioxide emissions and in a prospective way, theelectricity can be stocked. Thus, the research has been concentrated in a hydrogen rich gas production. Some authors agree that when the gasification is done with steam the hydrogen yield increases.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., il., wykr.
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