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The dependencies between the abundance of Chironomus f. l. plumosus and bream (Abramis brama) net catches in a lowland reservoir (Zegrzyński Reservoir, central Poland)

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Chironomus f. l. plumosus larvae, a valuable food of bream (Abramis brama (L.)), dominate in the benthos of the extra-littoral zone of the shallow, lowland, eutrophic Zegrzyński Reservoir. Bream is the dominant fish species in this reservoir, making up to 80% of total net catches. During eight years of studies, very regular Chironomus population dynamics were noted in the lotic part of the central, broad basin of the reservoir. There were usually two peaks of the abundance: the higher one in spring, and the much lower one in late summer. Both peaks of Chironomus abundance positively correlated with commercial net catches of bream in the reservoir in particular years. The total bream catch per year in the reservoir studied also correlated positively with the average yearly abundance of Chironomus. The correlation between Chironomus abundance and bream occurrence (measured by commercial net catches) in the reservoir studied suggests that this environment is used by bream mainly as a feeding ground. In the years with a low spring Chironomus peak of abundance, the bream leave the reservoir, searching for food in its inflows - two large, lowland rivers. This corresponds to much lower catches noted in the reservoir in the years of low Chironomus abundance.
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bibliogr. 42 poz., tab., wykr.
  • The Stanisław Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute Department of River Fisheries ul. Główna 48, 05-500 Piaseczno, Poland,
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