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Structural evolution of the Gnieździska Syncline : regional implications for the SW Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Central Poland)

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Ewolucja strukturalna synkliny Gnieździsk : regionalne imlikacje dla południowo-zachodniego mezozoicznego obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich
Języki publikacji
Basing on analysis of tectonic mesostructures, the structural evolution stages of the Gnieździska Syncline have been determined. The structure represents a typical example of folds occurring in the SW margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. The well-exposed syncline displays a wide variety of structures, including: shear and extension joints, stylolites, cleavage, strike-slip and dip-slip faults as well as master joints. Tectonic structures resulting from flexural slip indicate that the Gnieździska Syncline developed as a flexural-slip fold as a result of horizontal NE-SW compression. The subsequent deformation phase included mesostructures pointing to the increasing activity of a nearby Gnieździska-Wola Morawiecka dextral strike-slip fault of regional extent. In the terminal phase of the post-kinematic uplift of the Holy Cross Mountains, T joints and master joints appeared.
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Bibliogr. 50 poz., fot., map., rys., wykr.
  • Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa
  • Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa
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