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Spatial (GIS) analysis of relief and lithology of the Vsetínské vrchy Mountains (Outer West Carpathians, Czech Republic)

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By combination of digital elevation models (DEM) with digital geological maps within GIS environ- ment it is possible to detect manifestations of neotectonic movements. This technique has been demonstrated on the Vsetínské vrchy Mountains, a 367 km2 large area in the Outer West Carpathians, the Czech Republic. The results have shown that steeper hillslopes, higher local relief (LR), and greater Strahler's hypsometric integrals (SHI) correlate well with regions of increased resistance to erosion, as opposed to less resistant bedrock geology which is correlated with predominantly gentle slopes, lower LR, and smaller SHIs. These facts do not support former opinions on significant neotectonic block faulting of the Vsetínské vrchy Mountains during the "neotectonic period". The relief topography is concordant with underlying strata of variable resistance. Thus, it seems probable that the youngest evolution of the study area has been proceeding steadily. The topographic relief has experienced the state of dynamic equilibrium, which has been caused by the rebounding of the Epivariscan European Platform. There is no reason to assume the alternation of periods of tectonic standstill and strong, mainly vertical, movements during several "neotectonic phases".
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Bibliogr. 52 poz., rys., tab.
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