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Upper Devonian goniatites and co-occurring conodonts from the Holy Cross Mountains: studies of the Polish Geological Institute collections

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Górnodewońskie goniatyty i współwystępujące konodonty z Gór Świętokrzyskich: badania kolekcji państwowego instytutu geologicznego
Języki publikacji
A revision of a major part of the old collections of Upper Devonian goniatites from the Holy Cross Mts., collected by J. Czarnocki, H. Makowski and M. Różkowska, is presented. Described and illustrated are 26 species and subspecies belonging to 20 genera and subgenera and 9 families. Studied and illustrated for the first time are 35 suture lines and 15 growth lines. Conodonts, mostly collected from the parent rocks of the studied goniatites, allow for a more precise correlation of these goniatites with standard ammonoid and conodont zonations. The museum collections studied incude specimens mostly of all standard Upper Frasnian through Famennian ammonoid zonations, but the precise zonal boundaries could not be established. Goniatite assemblages from the Płucki and Janczyce sections correspond to the linguiformis and Upper crepida conodont zones, respectively. Moreover, four conodont zones have been distinguished in the Łagów (Dule) section: Upper crepida/rhomboidea, Lower marginifera, Lower/Upper marginifera and trachytera zones. This last zone has been recognised here for the first time.
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