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Middle and Upper Weichselian Pleniglacial fluvial erosion and sedimenta- tion phases in Southwestern Poland, and their relationship to Scandinavian ice sheet build-up and retreat

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Fazy sedymentacyjne i erozyjne środkowego i górnego plenivistulianu oraz ich związek z transgresją i regresją lądolodu skandynawskiego w południowo-zachodniej Polsce
Języki publikacji
The sequence of Weichselian sediments and processes in SW Poland is almost identical to that of central Poland. Generally, three fluvial units occur, comprising silts and sands coarsening upwards to silts, sands and gravels, with aeolian deposits on top. This suggests very uniform processes throughout the palaeogeographic zone. To the south of this zone, there was extensive loess deposition and glacial deposition to the north. Climatic conditions during the Middle and Upper Weichselian Pleniglacial in SW Poland were similar to those in central Poland and northwestern Europe, though the period of 47-43 kyrs BP was slightly milder in SW Poland (shrub tundra, forest-tundra). Climatic conditions during the periods 38-27 kyrs BP and 23-18 kyrs BP were very uniform throughout central Europe, including SW Poland, though there may have been a strong north-south climatic gradient during the former period, as data from the loessic zone indicate at least patches of boreal forest or forest-tundra conditions in SW Poland at that time. It is also possible that there was a Middle Weichselian Pleniglacial interstadial with a lower age boundary at 25,900 ą 700 years BP, characterised by Pinus-Picea forest with no heliophytes. This interstadial represents the last mild period before the advance of the late Weichselian ice sheet into SW Poland. The Weichselian fluvial deposition of SW and central Poland may have been punctuated by at least three major erosional phases, characterised by similar incision depths during the cold stages. Erosion took place, with certainty, at around 75-60 kyrs BP (Lower Pleniglacial) and 27 kyrs BP, very probably at around 23/22 kyrs and possibly at around 40 kyrs BP, and valley aggradation occurred during the milder stages. The Upper Pleniglacial was characterised by valley aggradation, associated with southward ice sheet advance and restricted fluvial outflow. However, the frequent Middle Pleniglacial Weichselian climatic oscillations did not initiate sedimentation and erosion, they controlled only river discharge and type of fluvial sedimentation and aeolian activity. The occurrence of the erosional and aggradational phases were controlled by the changes in ice volume in Scandinavia, ice sheet build-up and retreat, respectively.
Opis fizyczny
bibliogr. 72 poz., rys., tab.
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