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Eustatic and tectonic control on late Eocene fan delta development (Orava Basin, Central Western Carpathians)

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The evolution of the Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin (CCPB) reflects an important role of relative sea level changes on a tectonically active basin margin. After the initial upper Lutetian/Bartonian transgression, the next regressive-transgressive cycle played a key role in a formation of the late Eocene fan delta facies associations in the southern Orava region of Northern Slovakia. Detailed sedimentary analysis allowed the separation of the following three facies associations which represent distinct depositional environments: alluvial fan (subaerial fan delta; Unit 1); subaqueous fan delta (Unit 2); and prodelta/slope and basin (Unit 3). The first stage of delta development is connected with eustatic sea level fall at the Bartonian/Priabonian boundary, accompanied by subaerial exposure, fluvial incision and deposition of alluvial fan sediments. Subaerial deposition was characterized by a variety of mass flow conglomerates with a red muddy matrix, interfingering with stream or sheetflood deposits. The next stage of the delta corresponds to high-amplitude transgression related to rapid tectonic subsidence along the CCPB margins during the Priabonian. The vertical arrangement of facies suggests retrograde delta development that shows rapid submergence of the subaerial parts and onlap of subaqueous mass flow conglomerates, often reworked by waves or wave-induced shallow-marine currents. Continuous deepening of the depositional environment during the late Priabonian/early Rupelian led to the relatively rapid superposition of prodelta/slope and basin facies associations by slowly accumulated hemipelagic deposis.
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Bibliogr. 118 poz., rys.
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