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Makroskopowe szczątki roślinne z czwartorzędowych osadów odkrywki Bełchatów, środkowa Polska

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Macroscopic plant remains from Quaternary deposits of the Bełchatów outcrop, Central Poland
Języki publikacji
The paper presents results of studies on macroscopic remains of wood, herbs and sporophyte plants ound in Quaternary deposits of the Bełchatów outcrop. Their taxonomic position was defined along with condition of wood remains in relation to type of deposits. In Pliocene/ Pleistocene (Praetiglian) sand deposits, the large and well-preserved fragment of poplar wood and in Pilica Interstadial (Chojny series) sands pine branches were discovered. In the latter the compression wood was very well preserved, whereas the normal wood appears highly pressed and the regular ray rows were remaining only in the late wood. Many small fragments of alder wood were also found in Vistulian/Holocene peats and juniper and spruce - in Holocene deposits. Generative and vegetative remains of herbs from Vistulian/Holocene peat deposits were also investigated. In Vistulian/Holocene deposits small fragments of alder wood (Alnus Mill.) were found and in Holocene deposits - small fragments of scotsch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), common spruce (Picea abies Karst), common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) and alder wood (Alnus Mill.). Besides, some sedge (Carex L.) and buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata L.) were discovered in these deposits.
Opis fizyczny
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