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Wiedza w procesie tworzenia wartości przedsiębiorstwa

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Knowledge in the process of creating company's value
Języki publikacji
Both in literature, and for the economic practice, importance of immaterial resources and human capital is being emphasized in the activity of companies. They are these are considered too strategic factors, because they are influencing the value of subjects on the market. Contemporary companies more often and more often base their activity on immaterial resources, but particularly on knowledge. However the person has the special place and importance in the company since only he is able to get, to process information, to perfect and to transfer knowledge. Plurality existing in literature of the object and the variety of the interpretation of the subject taken up is pointing at big importance of these issues and her huge influence for shaping the value of companies. Chosen approaches to essence and the role in the organization of knowledge were discussed in the present report and they pointed at procedures and strategies of knowledge management.
  • Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania, Zakład Ekonomiki Przedsiębiorstw, ul. Mickiewicza 69, 71-307, Szczecin
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