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Late Svecofennian sedimentary basins in the crystalline basement of NE Poland and adjacent area of Lithuania: ages, major sources of detritus, and correlations

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The Pre cam brian base ment of Lith u a nia and NE Po land, much of which is metasedimentary paragneiss, can be ac cessed only by cores from deep bore holes. Ion microprobe dat ing of de tri tal zir cons from sam ples of these meta sedi ments and the geo chem i cal sig na tures of the rocks pro vide new in sights into their age and prov e nance. De tri tal zir cons from meta sedi ments from Jastrzebna and Monki have Pb iso to pic ages in the ranges 3.14–1.83 and 3.53–1.82 Ga, re spec tively. Sim i lar re sults have been ob tained from the Lith u a nian Lazdijai and Bliudziai paragneisses. About 30% of the ana lysed Pol ish de tri tal zir con cores are of Late Archaean age (2.90–2.60 Ga) and about 70% are Palaeoproterozoic (2.10–1.90 Ga), sim i lar to the age dis tri bu tions of de tri tal zir con from Svecofennian meta sedi ments ex posed in Cen tral Swe den and South ern Fin land. The youn gest de tri tal zir con sub-groups in di cate max i mum de po si tion ages of about 1.86 Ga, sim i lar to the ages of ex posed Svecofennian sed i men tary bas ins. Pos si ble source rocks of com pa ra ble ages and af fin i ties can be found within Fennoscandia, Green land and Sarmatia.
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bibliogr. 66 poz., rys. wykr.
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