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Zarys badań paleobotanicznych czwartorzędu na terenie Tatr, Pienin i Podhala

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Overview of palaeobotanical investigations on the Quaternary in the Tatra Mts., Pieniny Mts. and Podhale region
Języki publikacji
Palaeobotanical, mainly palynological, investigations, carried out in the Tatra Mts. and Podhale region made it possible to date organic sediments as well as to trace history of migration routes of several plant taxa, mainly trees. The results of pollen analyses allowed for the reconstruction of formation of individual vegetation belts in the Tatra Mts. The development of human settlements was traced on the basis of pollen analyses of the Podhale peat bogs. The decline of the last glaciations (Weichselian) and the Holocene are the best studied periods in this area, as far as palaeobotany is concerned. In the present overview most of earlier studies were taken into consideration.
Opis fizyczny
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