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Upper Sub-Tatric (Choč) Nappe between the Lejowa and Chochołowska valleys in the Tatra Mountains
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The studied area contains the Middle to Upper Triassic successions of the Hronicum domain (Choč Nappe), forming at least three tectonic units. From the bottom to the top, they include: the Furkaska, the Siwa Woda and the Koryciska thrust slices. Sedimentary successions of these units differ in details, but generally they contain: the Ramsau Dolomite (Middle Anisian), Reifling Limestone interfingering with the Partnach Beds (uppermost Anisian-Ladinian), Wetterstein Dolomite (Ladinian-Lower Carnian), Hauptdolomite (Upper Carnian-Norian) and grey fossiliferous limestones of the Norovica Formation (uppermost Norian-Rhaetian). Between the Furkaska and the Siwa Woda thrust slices, calcareous and siliciclastic deposits of the Krína Nappe representing the Fatra and the Kopieniec formations(Rhaetian-Sinemurian) are sandwiched. Thus, within the Triassic successions of the Choč Nappe on the eastern slope of Cisowa Turnia (Lejowa Valley), a new tectonic unit "Pod Cisową" was proposed, which originated from Krína domain.
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bibliogr. 49 poz., rys., wykr.
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