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Observations of new particle formation events in the south-eastern Baltic Sea

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New particle formation and growth were observed at a coastal site (Preila station, Lithuania) during 1997 and 2000-2002. The total amount of data analysed covers 291 one-day periods, 45 (15%) of which were long-term, new particle formation days. Short-term nucleation events (from a few minutes to one hour) and long-term events (from one to eight hours) were identified. The mean particle growth rate, condensation sink and condensable vapour source rate during nucleation events were 3.9 nm h*-1, 1.45 × 10*-3 cm*-3 s-1 and 7.5 x 104 cm-3 s-1 respectively. The average formation rate J_10 was 0.4 cm-3 s-1. The nucleation events were accompanied mainly by air masses transported from the north (43%) and north-west (19%). Meteorological parameters and trace gas (O3, SO2, NO2) concentrations were also analysed. It was found that nucleation events are related to high levels of solar radiation.
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bibliogr. 45 poz., tab., wykr.
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