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Age of some deep-water marine Jurassic strata at Mt Hulina, Małe Pieniny Range (Grajcarek Unit, Pieniny Klippen Belt, West Carpathians, Poland), as based on dinocysts

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A geological section on Mt Hulina at Szczawnica Niżna, the Małe Pieniny Range, exposes Jurassic through Cretaceous rocks of the Grajcarek Unit, the northernmost tectonic unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (West Carpathians, Poland). Dark marine shales of very similar lithology, but with different microfossil assemblages, occur twice in the section, representing the Middle Jurassic (Opaleniec Formation) and the Lower Cretaceous (Wronine Formation) units of the Magura (Grajcarek) Succession, respectively. This paper presents the results of dinocyst investigations from the Opaleniec Formatiom which indicate its Bathonian age, and the Sokolica Radiolarite Formation which point out to their Middle Oxfordian - ?Lower Kimmeridgian age.
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bibliogr. 59 poz., tab., wykr.
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