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The Czertezik Succession in the Pieniny National Park (Pieniny Klippen Belt, West Carpathians): stratigraphy, tectonics, palaeogeography

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The stratigraphic column of the Czertezik Succession (Pieniny Klippen Belt, West Carpathians) includes Upper Liassic through Upper Cretaceous rock units. The succession crops out in several tectonic windows from below the Pieniny Nappe and/or the Branisko Nappe which were thrust over the Czertezik Unit during Laramian folding of the Klippen Belt. Lithological development and succession of strata of the Czertezik Unit in these windows prove that its original sedimentary zone was a direct southern continuation of the Czorsztyn one. In the present author's opinion, contrary to Wierzbowski et al. (2004), the Czertezik Succession in the territory of Poland lacks the Bajocian-Callovian ammonitico rosso unit = the Niedzica Limestone Formation. The Czorsztyn Limestone Formation (Kimmeridgian, also ammonitico rosso facies) distinguished by the present author in the Czertezik Succession at Czertezik and Pieniński Stream (Pieniny Range), and at Wysoka Mt (Little Pieniny Range), attributed by Wierzbowski et al. (2004) to the "Niedzica Limestone Formation", did not yield any age-diagnostic fossils to support their change of its Kimmeridgian (resp. Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) age to an Upper Bajocian-Callovian one. This limestone occurs always above, and not below the radiolarite horizon (Czajakowa Radiolarite Fm.). In the present author's opinion, two klippes with fossiliferous Niedzica Limestone Formation described by Wierzbowski et al. (2004) from Litmanová and Milpoš, East Slovakia, do not represent the Czertezik Succession but are typical examples of the Niedzica Succession. A palinspastic-sedimentological model proposed in this paper shows probable Middle Jurassic palaeogeographic position of the very discontinuous sedimentary area of the Niedzica Succession, between larger submarine crinoid limestone fans developed in the Czorsztyn and Czertezik sedimentary zones.
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bibliogr. 95 poz., mapki, tab., wykr.
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