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Algorithm for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM). Part 1: Mathematical apparatus

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This article is the first of two papers on the remote sensing methods of monitoring the Baltic ecosystem, developed by our team. Earlier, we had produced a series of detailed mathematical models and statistical regularities describing the transport of solar radiation in the atmosphere-sea system, the absorption of this radiation in the water and its utilisation in a variety of processes, most importantly in the photosynthesis occurring in phytoplankton cells, as a source of energy for the functioning of marine ecosystems. The comprehensive DESAMBEM algorithm, presented in this paper, is a synthesis of these models and regularities. This algorithm enables the abiotic properties of the environment as well as the state and the functioning of the Baltic ecosystem to be assessed on the basis of available satellite data. It can be used to determine a good number of these properties: the sea surface temperature, the natural irradiance of the sea surface, the spectral and spatial distributions of solar radiation energy in the water, the surface concentrations and vertical distributions of chlorophyll a and other phytoplankton pigments in this sea, the radiation energy absorbed by phytoplankton, the quantum efficiency of photosynthesis and the primary production of organic matter. On the basis of these directly determined properties, other characteristics of processes taking place in the Baltic ecosystem can be estimated indirectly. Part 1 of this series of articles deals with the detailed mathematical apparatus of the DESAMBEM algorithm. Part 2 will discuss its practical applicability in the satellite monitoring of the sea and will provide an assessment of the accuracy of such remote sensing methods in the monitoring of the Baltic ecosystem (see Darecki et al. 2008 - this issue).
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