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Relationships between selected abiotic variables and phytoplankton composition in deep mesotrophic Lake Zagłębocze

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Variation of phytoplankton biomass and species composition were examined in relation to selected abiotic environmental variables (temperature, light, mixing, phosphorus and nitrogen content). Studies were carried out in mesotrophic Lake Zagłębocze in the 1999-2001. Samples were taken from three pelagic layers (epi-, meta-, hypolimnion) and from sub- and eulittoral. Successional changes of diatoms (Asterionella formosa, Cyclotella comta, Fragilaria ulna var. acus) was connected with perturbation of temperature, SD and Zeu/Zmix. Dinophytes Ceratium hirundinella, Peridinium bipes dominated at low phosphate phosphorus concentration and bluegreen algae Coelomoron pusillum, Woronichinia naegeliana reached high biomass at higher TP and NO3-N concentrations.
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Biliogr. 31 poz., tab., wykr.
  • Department of Botany and Hydrobiology, Catholic University of Lublin, C.K. Norwida 4, 20-061 Lublin, Poland,
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