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A vestige of an Early Devonian active continental margin in the East Sudetes (SW Poland) - evidence from geochemistry of the Jegłowa Beds, Strzelin Massif

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The Early Devonian metasandstones of the Jegłowa Beds (Strzelin Massif, NE Bohemian Massif) are low- to medium-grade metamorphosed siliciclastic deposits showing differences in modal composition, especially in the amount of micas and feld spars. Despite the similarity in relative concentrations of trace elements, three chemical groups can be distinguished among the metasandstones that differin the total amounts of major and trace ele ments. The negative Ta and Nb anomalies visible on a spider plot normalised to the average upper continental crust and spe cific ratios of e.g. Th, Zr, Hf, La/Th and Ti/Sc characterize the majority of the metasandstones, indicating the provenance of their sedimentary precursors from a subduction-related tectonic setting. However, few of the samples analysed show strongly differentiated geochemical characteristics with high Zr and Hf contents. This suggests input of relatively strongly reworked mate rial. Thus, it seems that a back-arc setting can account for the mixed nature of the inferred source ar eas with old basement and arcrelated detritus respectively as the end-members of the mix tures. The composition of the metasandstones indicates deposition of the siliciclastic material near an Early to Middle Devonian volcanic arc that was super imposed on rocks originally forming a part of the pre-De vo nian continental margin of the Brunovistulicum microplate. A plausible tectonic scenario in volves formation of the Devonian arc due to east-directed subduction of an oceanic domain between the Brunovistulian microcontinent in the east and the Central Sudetic terrain located fur ther west.
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bibliogr. 62 poz., fot.,tab.,wykr.
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