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Czy metale szlachetne są szlachetne, czyli o biodostępności platyny i palladu

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Are noble metals really noble, thus on bioavailability of platinum and palladium
Języki publikacji
The increasing concentrations of platinum and palladium in the environment have been observed in the last quarter of the last century. The review summarizes current knowledge concerning the emission of platinum and palladium into biosphere, environmental mobility of these metals, their speciation and bioavailability for living organisms. The main sources of emission of these metals are chemical, petroleum and electronic industries, car catalytic converters, hospitals and jewellery [8, 9, 31]. Platinum, palladium and rhodium are released from automobile catalysts during vehicle operation in the form of nanometer size particles, mainly in metallic form [19]. These fine particles [21, 23] are mostly deposited close to the communication routes (in a road dust and soil) [31, 33, 34], but the last evidence showed that due to atmospheric dispersion they could be also transferred for longer distances, even to glaciers and snows of central Greenland [29, 35, 51]. The storm water transports particles containing Pt and Pd into road drainage basins, sludge and aquatic environment (urban lakes and rivers and their sediments) [43, 44, 49]. The increased concentrations of precious metals were found in different environmental samples such as atmospheric aerosols and particulate matter, road and tunnel dust, soil, lake and river sediments, snow and vegetation growing in the roadside environment. The total deposition of these elements in the northern hemisphere was assessed as 20-50 ton/year of Pd and 9-20 ton/year of Pt [35]. Platinum and palladium are chemically inert, but under atmospheric conditions (rainwater of low pH, high content of chlorides) and operation of natural complexing agents can be partially oxidized and transformed in soil and sediments into soluble species [47-53, 66]. In such form they became available for plants growing on contaminated soil or can be taken up by aquatic animals such as isopods, mussels, fish, and parasites [69-75, 87-90, 93, 97]. The experimental data shows that palladium is the most mobile and bioavailable element among other platinum group metals (Pd > Rh ? Pt). The bioaccumulation factors of palladium for plants and aqueous animals are similar to that calculated for copper and a magnitude higher than occurring for lead [73, 89] [Tables 1 and 2]. The plant and animal cells in the presence of high concentration of palladium induce production of sulfur-rich detoxification compounds, such as phytochelatines for plants [72, 81] and metallothioneins for animals [48, 98]. The internal organs of birds living in natural habitat also contain elevated concentrations of noble metals [100, 101]. The higher concentration of palladium (and rhodium) than platinum were found in urine of unexposed individuals [105, 106, Table 3], what suggests a different environmental mobility and metabolism of Pd and Rh. The Pd level in human urine, but not Pt, was correlated with traffic intensity [106]. Recent investigations confirmed that platinum and palladium of anthropogenic origin are accumulated in environment and they have high biological availability for plants, animals and humans.
Opis fizyczny
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