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Wankomycyna i jej chemiczne modyfikacje

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Vancomycin and its chemical modifications
Języki publikacji
Antibiotics, such as penicillin or streptomycin, are substances produced by or derived from certain fungi or bacteria, that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Antibiotics are widely used in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Glycopeptide antibiotics are a class of antibiotic drugs. They consist of a glycosylated cyclic or polycyclic nonribosomal peptide. Important glycopeptide antibiotics include vancomycin, teicoplanin, ramoplanin, and decaplanin. This class of drugs inhibits the synthesis of cell walls in susceptible microbes by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis. Glycopeptides exhibit a narrow spectrum of activity as principally effective against gram positive cocci. They are the last line of effective defense against MRSA and multiresistant enterococci for patients who are critically ill. At the beginning of the 90' there started a large scale research program for finding glycopeptide antibiotics with optimized properties. These studes resulted in the discovery of the hemi-synthetic compounds (1996 oritavancin) which have lower toxicity than vancomycin.
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