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The importance of glacial till occurrence in loess type sections of Poland and Ukraine
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The presence of glacial tills in eight loess type sections documenting, in most cases, a complete rhythm of climatic changes during the last 780 ka (Brunhes epoch) in Poland and Ukraine, allows to precisely establish the age of these tills. The oldest till in Odonów, Kolonia Zadębce, and Bojanice represents the Sanian 2 (Elsterian 2, Okanian) Glaciation. The younger till (in Wąchock, Gradiżsk, and Wjazowok) corresponds to the ice-sheet extent during the Krznanian (Saalian 2, Dnieper 1) Glaciation, and the youn gest till (in Wąchock, Bugaiwka, and Stajki) to the ice-sheet extent during the Odranian (Saalian 3, Dnieper 2) Glaciation. The occurrence of these glacial tills in the discussed loess sections is crucial for the correlation of glacial and extraglacial stratigraphic schemes for the Pleistocene of Europe.
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bibliogr. 30 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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- Wydział Geologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa
- Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy, ul. Gonczara 55B, 01 601 Kijów, Ukraina
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