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Planning and configuration of production systems with factotum

Automatyzacja produkcji. Nauka-Wiedza_innowacje. Tom I. Referaty plenarne i sesje. Wrocław, 11-12 grudnia 2003
Języki publikacji
Complex planning algorithm and short planning cycles for production systems require innovative software tools to combine the knowledge on methodology of the planner and the specific know-how of enterprise employee. Therefore the IAF developed the FacToTuM-concept with the experience of many industrial projects. It represents a universal Software Tool Kit for the planning and configuration of production systems at industrial enterprises. In detail FacToTuM provides the analysis of operating data, the layout planning and optimizing, the dimensioning of the material flow, the simulation of production processes, the designing in 2D and 3D environment and the visualization of the results (e.g. Virtual Reality). This paper will represent the most significant advantage of FacToTuM: the interactive operation mode. Therefore it is possible to achieve good user and purchaser acceptance in planning projects. The methodological base of the approach is the participative planning process. Thus and the dialogue of interested and competitive involved employees activate an ongoing adaptation of the structuring in industrial enterprises.
  • Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg; Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and Automation (IAF); Universitatsplatz 2; 39106 Magdeburg (Germany)
  • Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg; Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and Automation (IAF); Universitatsplatz 2; 39106 Magdeburg (Germany)
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