Tytuł artykułu
Automatyzacja produkcji. Nauka - Wiedza - Innowacje. Tom. I. Referaty plenarne i sesje. Wrocław, 11-12 grudnia 2003
Języki publikacji
Discrete manufacturing processes can be supported by variety of software solutions. ABB introduced their IndustriallT system into the distribution transformer plant in Łódź to optimize that factory's production processes. This system supports ABB's Integrated Factory concept whose goal is connecting the front-end sales tool called Trafonet, ABB's transformer design system (CDS), the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, and the MES (Manufacturing Execution System), along with shop-floor machines and the factory Quality Control system. Orders prepared in Trafonet are automatically transferred to the plant's ERP system where a Production Order is created (as a MRP run in the ERP system). This Production Order is then automatically downloaded to the MES layer. In the MES layer, the BOO (bill of operations) is transformed, extended and made available to machines on the shop floor. Operators can see a list of their tasks, the required materials for those tasks, and documentation about the product they are manufacturing. Operators can also automatically set-up machines with data, measure critical process parameters and prepare nonconformity reports among other tasks. As work is completed on the shop floor, the work progress is reported back to the MES. The MES manages the factory's workflow and notifies the ERP system when milestone tasks have been completed. As work is progressing in the factory, production mangers, factory management and the sales force can track production and view reports.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 4 poz., rys., tab.
- ABB Sp. z o.o. ul. Aleksandrowska 67/93, Łódź, Poland
- ABB Sp. z o.o. ul. Aleksandrowska 67/93, Łódź, Poland
- ABB Corporate Research, 1021 Main Campus Drive, Raleigh NC 27606, USA
- ABB Sp. z o.o. Corporate Research, ul. Starowiślna 13A, 31-038 Kraków, Poland
- [1] Manufacturing Execution Systems Association, “MES Explained: A High Level Vision” MESA In¬ ternational - White Paper Number 6, September 1997
- [2] Manufacturing Execution Systems Association, “Justifying MES: A Business Case Methodology,” MESA International - White Paper Number 7, May 2000
- [3] SWANTON, BILL: “Production Operations: Making a Difference Beyond the Plant,” MESA Conference 2002
- [4] ROLAND SARGEANT, JASON SEAY : „MES for Discrete Manufacturing -A n Overview”
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