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Pleistocene glacial limits in the territory of Poland

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The limits of fourmajor icesheets can be traced in the present landscape of Poland. Glacial deposits and ice-dammed lakes indicate a stream-like pattern of advancing ice bodies, dependent both on ice dynamics in the marginal zones and on the pre-existing landscape in their forefields. The southernmost extent of the Pleistocene ice sheets is indicated by the Scandinavian erratics and was formed by the South Polish Glaciations (Elsterian), partly replaced in the west by the Odranian of the Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian I). The subsequent Wartanian Glaciation of the Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian II) and the Vistulian Glaciation (North Polish Glaciation, Weichselian) were limited to areas further to the north.
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Bibliogr. 118 poz., rys.
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