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Modele genetyczne badeńskich anhydrytów w zapadlisku przedkarpackim na obszarze Polski

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Genetic patterns of Badenian anhydrite deposits in the Carpathian Foredeep, southern Poland
Języki publikacji
The Badenian (Middle Miocene) sulphate deposits in the Polish Carpathian Foredeep basin have undergone varying degrees of diagenetic changes. They are preserved mainly as primary gypsum in the peripheral part of the basin, whereas toward the basin centre gypsum has been partly or totally transformed into anhydrite. The facies variation and fabrics succession reflect different genetic patterns of anhydrite, depending on both palaeogeographic and burial controls. The sedimentary and petrographic observations indicate that anhydritization of gypsum deposits was a complex process starting under synsedimentary conditions and continued in burial (during early to late diagenesis). Different genetic patterns of anhydrite involve both synsedimentary anhydritization of gypsum at the surface and successive phases (syndepositional de novo growth, early to late diagenetic replacement of gypsum) of anhydrite formation with progressive burial.
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bibliogr. 52 poz., rys.
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