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Geodynamiczne i tektoniczne uwarunkowania ewolucji basenów przedgórskich, z odniesieniami do zapadliska przedkarpackiego

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Geodynamic and tectonic control on evolution of foreland basins, with references to the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
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Main geodynamic and tectonic mechanisms responsible for evolution of foreland basins and their sedimentary infill are discussed. They include flexure of the lower lithospheric plate and its extension, growth of the orogenic wedge and sedimentation / erosion within the foreland basin. Recently formulated models of foreland basin system include four major depositional zones that are characterised by various tectono-sedimentary processes. Of particular importance for evolution of foreland basins is very complex interplay of tectonics and sedimentation, and significant lateral shift of tectonic and depositional zones. Evolution of frontal part of the orogenic wedge could be deciphered using growth strata i.e. depositional sequences formed in vicinity of growing thrust-related structures. Certain aspects of Miocene (Late Badenian–Sarmatian) evolution of the Polish Carpathian foredeep basin are discussed in a context of presented models of foreland basins.
Opis fizyczny
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