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Petrographic characteristics of fluvioglacial deposits of the Odra lobe, Poland: a statistical analysis

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The fluvioglacial deposits of the Odra lobe, laid down during the Pomeranian phase of the last glaciation in northeastern Germany and northwestern Poland, have been analysed petrographically and interpreted in a regional perspective. The deposits have been classified in terms of the percentage of 10 selected petrographical groups and 5 petrographical coefficients. Statistical analysis of their values has shown significant petrographic differences that relate to the morphological characteristics of the study area. The greatest petrographic diversity was observed between Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania and the Odra lobe as well as between the Odra lobe and middle Pomerania. The differentiating features are: crystalline rocks, grey Palaeozoic limestones and flints and all of the petrographical coefficients. The differences within the Odra lobe itself are small by comparison with those in the neighbouring regions. They are the most evident between Uckermark and theMyśliborskie Lakeland. The differentiating features are: flints and quartz as well as a maximumof four out of five petrographical coefficients.
Opis fizyczny
mapki, wykr., bibliogr. 62 poz.
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