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Oligocene-Lower Miocene sequences of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and adjacent Magura Nappe between Jarabina and the Poprad River (East Slovakia and South Poland): their tectonic position and palaeogeographic implications

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This paper provides the results of a new litho- and biostratigraphic study from the contact zone between the Magura Nappe and Pieniny Klippen Belt close to Polish-Slovakian border. In the southernmost part of the Krynica facies zone of the Magura Nappe two new lithostratigraphic units have been established: the Poprad Member and the Kremna Formation. The Late Eocene-Oligocene age of the Malcov Formation (NP 19-NP 24) of the Pieniny Klippen Belt has also been confirmed. A Late Oligocene age (Zone NP 25 and lower part of NN1) was determined in deposits belonging to the Poprad Member of theMagura Formation, while an EarlyMiocene age (upper part of NN1 and NN2 zones) was established for the Kremna Formation. The Late Cretaceous-MiddleMiocene geotectonic evolution of the orogenic suture zone, between the Inner and Outer Carpathians, is outlined.
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Bibliogr. 87 poz. rys.,tab.
  • Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geological Sciences, Oleandry 2a, PL-30-063 Kraków, Poland
  • Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geological Sciences, Oleandry 2a, PL-30-063 Kraków, Poland
  • Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geological Sciences, Oleandry 2a, PL-30-063 Kraków, Poland
  • Department of Geology and Paleontology, Commenius University, Mlynska Dolina, 842-15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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