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Tools for combinatorial chemistry. Part 2. Lnkers used in solid-phase organic synthesis
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Linkers constitute fundamental tools of polymer supported synthesis and combinatorial chemistry. Synthesis of any compound on solid support requires an efficient method for binding substrate molecules to solid phase and methods for cleavage of product molecules from the support after completion of the synthetic sequence. This review article presents role of linkers in solid-phase synthesis, analogy between linkers and protecting groups, and properties of linkers that need to be considered when planning synthesis of a particular compound on solid support. Basic concepts of linker methodology are presented and illustrated with selected examples. In addition the role of the linker as protection or activation of functional group of the substrate and an element controlling regio- or chemoselectivity is mentioned. The selected, representative examples of classical and recently elaborated linkers are classified according to the condition of cleavage. These include acid sensitive, base or nucleophile sensitive, photolabile, safety catch linkers, traceless linkers and cyclative cleavage linkers.
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Bibliogr. 49 poz., schem.
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