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The influence of circulation conditions on variab1lity of water temperature at the southern coast of the Pomeranian Bay
Języki publikacji
The work presents the results of studies on the influence of circulation conditions on variability of water temperature at the southern toast of the Pomeranian Bay. In order to resolve the problem mean daily water temperature values as measured at Międzyzdroje and Gozdowice as well as mean air temperature values at Świnoujście were analysed under different circulation conditions to obtain statistical relations between them. Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed. The period 1971-1980 u taken into the examination. In the ten year period 1971-1980 the air circulation coming from the east sector was prevailing from February to July and coming from the west sector was prevailing from August to January. For these two periods the highly statistically significant coefficients of correlation between water temperature as measured at Międzyzdroje a Gozdowice as well as air temperature at Świnoujście made possible to describe inshore water temperature using the equations of simple and multiple regression. As the highly statistically significant coefficients of correlation were also obtained for the periods different types of air circulation so for all these periods the equations of simple a multiple regression were also written. The multiple regression equations show that the influence of water temperature the Odra River on inshore water temperature was stronger than the influence of air temperature, especially during the periods of air circulation coming from south-west north-west directions. The effect of air temperature was the strongest when the circulation from north-east was recorded. In that case the influence of water temperature of the Odra was decreased.
Opis fizyczny
rys., tab., wykr., bibliogr. 17 poz.
- Instytut Nauk o Morzu US
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