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Metody wyznaczania dat początku i końca termicznych zim na przykładzie krakowskiej serii pomiarów temperatury powietrza

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Methods for the determination of the thermal winter beginning and end dates, based on the Cracow air temperature records
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This paper reviews methods for the determination of the beginning and the end of winter seasons, taking into account various criteria. The methods were also reviewed for comparability of results. The paper also presents ways to identify individual winter seasons with the use of mean daily air temperature. To this end, the author used mean daily and monthly air temperatures in Cracow. It was found that the end result of the determination of the winter beginning/end dates heavily depended on the selected method. Methods used by numerous climatologists to identify the start/end dates of thermal seasons sometimes tend fail in the case of winter. When the mean long-term dates are the only objective, then it is sufficient to calculate them with an arithmetic method using mean monthly air temperature values. The graphic method is less accurate; it does not require calculation of mean long-term daily values, as they yield comparable results. The author argues that the smoothing-out of the mean long-term daily air temperature values in order to avoid multiple crossing of the 0°C is undesirable because such cases have actually been found in the Cracow mean value series (mean values from 1826-1995). Therefore, they ought to be taken into account as a characteristic feature of thermal winters in Central Europe rather than artificially smoothed out with assorted mathematical or statistical methods. The nearest results were produced by methods involving consecutive five-day and three-day series of winter days. Finally, it should be reiterated that the conclusions drawn here are only related to the winter season.
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Bibliogr. 31 poz., rys., tab.
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